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Deleted posts for: infinityshock lasciviously lambasted lanny the lactating leprechauns longing larynx with large loads of laptoplollipop launched love lube, leaving the little lads lips lacerated, limpkin lactating and labia languishing with lockjaw.............. (banned)
2019-11-07 at 8:58 PM UTC
Originally posted by -SpectraL Lanny has begun trashing entire threads with valid posts in them from random users, just because the OP was banned. Why bother putting any effort into posting in threads at all, if your posts are just going to be trashed by Lanny? He's also removing non-spam posts willy-nilly from banned members who are evading bans, thus fucking up the flow of the conversations within the threads in the process. This is wrong. Yet another fuckup by the worst admin a BBS has ever seen.
the best part was where he deleted my posts in the 'need info from the kosovo wars'
it was literally my job to be in-the-know about the whos whats wherez and whyz of the entire srbjia/croatia/boyisitgonnahurtwhenitgoezinya (FRY) during the early/mid 90s...i was literally there...i offered to answer questions...and he deleted it. good thing i didnt post pics.
hes such an adorable little bitch...he must be making some nigger very happy right now. -
2019-11-07 at 8:59 PM UTCit must be so humiliating to admit to the world youve not only fucked a nigger but were impregnated by it.
thats why miscegenation was banned for most of human history.
because...jews. -
2019-11-07 at 9:07 PM UTC
Originally posted by Bill Krozby seems like a good idea to be honest.. with all those nigger dicks pumping their assholes they will need something to sop it up.. its very progressive though..
with that being the case youre going to need something having a bit more absorbency than a tampon up your ass with the mass hordes of niggers shooting their loads up your shitter.
try a sheep. -
2019-11-07 at 9:09 PM UTCno human lives were lost in this joyful event. more niggers should murder-suicide in this manner and the world will be a better place.
2019-11-07 at 9:13 PM UTC
Originally posted by Kuntzschutz It's fun to speculate, but opinions and speculation, and even facts, does not excuse the murder of innocent women and children. These people are lower than scum and even if this is a false flag for distraction or some other purpose, the mexican president is a huge pussy and isn't willing to do anything about the cartels and their violence. Thousands of people, often innocent people, have been brutally murdered in cartel violence.
That's a heck of a lot more than any lone wolf or mass shooter/neon nazi could rack up.
Let these pussy faggots go up against the US military and see what happens. But you won't, because they know our military would actually be effective, unlike the trannies in the mexican military and government.
Beaners may be genetically predisposed to being either scared trannies that need to be coddled by democrats, or violent, untrustworthy shitbags, but they can be corrected on some level. If we could annex the shithole country of mexico, beaners wouldn't be nearly as likely to want to sneak into the US as their quality of life would be dramatically improved.
mexico doesnt have a military. they have cartel members wearing military uniforms.
beaners are actually genetically predisposed to have excessive 'alfa' and 'unterbottom' traits
beaners are good at taking el gringo jefes orders...or even the orders of another beaner jefe...while being as subservient as a good nigger from slavery days. the beaners that make their attempts at trying their 'alfa' panties on dictate to their underlings in an almost dictatorial fashion and express their macho-ism to women in a manner that would make a member of the #metoo club cringe in PTSD. -
2019-11-07 at 9:15 PM UTCno veteran wants anyone to buy a lunch for them
2019-11-07 at 9:33 PM UTC
2019-11-07 at 10:22 PM UTCthe correct answer:
D. none of the above.
the solution is to exterminate anyone that violates the first amendment sanctity of freedom of speech or the 4th amendment of The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches
it wont be long before people realize that maybe people are serious about their rights. -
2019-11-07 at 10:23 PM UTCill pay you $19/hr to suck the happy sauce out of my ballsack.
2019-11-07 at 10:38 PM UTC