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Deleted posts for: North-Korea-Is-Eternal

  1. #1
    North-Korea-Is-Eternal Yung Blood (banned)
    Yung Lean is recognized here in the DPRK as an American icon.
    We very much respect his innovative and avant garde approach to the pop genre you Americans refer to as "Power electronics".
  2. #2
    North-Korea-Is-Eternal Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by -SpectraL The fires are also part of the tests. Do you really think that fires would just be popping up randomly all over the fucking place all at once? Get real. It's them. They are doing it. They are most likely using the power grid, and have hacked into it, and are intentionally overloading overhead and underground equipment to cause the fires, and they are probably also testing particle beams to ignite large areas.

    A decade ago (and maybe a few years, this could have been around 2005 but I think it was around 2008) my aunt told my mom that in the city they live in (Carmel) there was an attack on the power grid and apparently the blame was placed on China.
    I do recall her saying that, but my mom doesn't remember at all.

    It is incredibly suspicious, that whole state needs to be purged and repopulated by Europeans.
  3. #3
    North-Korea-Is-Eternal Yung Blood (banned)
    OP is a neon ashkenazi trying to sow seeds of fear and hatred to get the goyim in an attempt to get the goyim to fight each other instead of the jew

    that family was probably there trafficking children or drug running, the mexicans were doing God's work.
  4. #4
    North-Korea-Is-Eternal Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by Greenspam Doesn't qualify as Avant Garde. it's 40 years of hip hop gone less fresh.

    OMG he's white. no one has ever done that before

    where is my bag of eminems

    You are so ignorant

    It's CLOUD RAP you ignorant plebeian piece of dogshit

    go jerk off to your normie 70s synthpop jew shit
  5. #5
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Reported for valid content now being trashed and thread conversion flow being disrupted.
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