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Seasons greetings Seattle, from your dear friend the DPRK ^_^y

  1. #1
    North-Korea-Is-Eternal Yung Blood (banned)
    Dear Americans

    the recent scare attack on your land of the simmering coffee cup was none other than a personal attack upon the entire world
    what would the rest of humanity do without their daily dose of starbucks and amazon deliveries
    people think an EMP attack would have a disasterous effect on millions of people
    imagine a day where NEET and hikikomori weren't able to have their megapacks of ramen and water bottles delivered to them in a timely fashion!!!

    We here, the people of the DPRK, want you to know this had absolutely NOTHING to do with us.
    The blame should be placed on the pig dog fake state of israel and their CIA golem
    if anyone died you have only your own selves to blame.

    As the supreme leader of the DPRK, I hereby invite American president, Donald J Trump to join us for a month of festivities, on the house, in your honor.

    Sincerely - Kim Jon Ping Pong the fourth

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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