User Controls
Unban Japan is Eternal
2019-11-05 at 7:02 PM UTC
2019-11-05 at 7:03 PM UTCI don't see the problem, you all just pick someone to hate on. Soon you will get bored of wario and japan is eternal and move on to some other random person to harass like wellhung or scplew or qilliam bil;l Bill Krozbybtybybyy
2019-11-05 at 7:05 PM UTC
Originally posted by infinityshock lasciviously lambasted lanny the lactating leprechauns longing larynx with large loads of laptoplollipop launched love lube, leaving the little lads lips lacerated, limpkin lactating and labia languishing with lockjaw........ (banned) This word 'banned'…can someone explains it to me? I'm getting the impression I'm not doing it right.
Banned means you can no longer post. Just like I'm not really responding to you right now, because you can't post, because you're banned. If you weren't banned, then I would be talking to you right now, but as it stands, it would be literally impossible for us to have this discussion. -
2019-11-05 at 7:06 PM UTC
2019-11-05 at 7:07 PM UTCmaybe if the admin didn't harass people they wouldn't spam
2019-11-05 at 7:14 PM UTC
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I don't see the problem, you all just pick someone to hate on. Soon you will get bored of wario and japan is eternal and move on to some other random person to harass like wellhung or scplew or qilliam bil;l Bill Krozbybtybybyy
I just mean, it's unnatural, you know? It's like a try-hard. Who likes a try-hard? -
2019-11-06 at 2:20 AM UTCuban uban!
2019-11-06 at 2:23 AM UTCwell, he can stilll PM
2019-11-06 at 4:39 AM UTCunban
2019-11-06 at 4:41 AM UTC
2019-11-06 at 5:01 AM UTC
2019-11-06 at 5:26 AM UTCYou can't hide Westwood
2019-11-06 at 5:26 AM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2019-11-06 at 6 AM UTC
2019-11-06 at 6:04 AM UTCshut up you friendless bitch
2019-11-06 at 6:14 AM UTC
2019-11-06 at 6:23 AM UTCits ironic because it's lanny LMRAO
2019-11-06 at 11:03 AM UTC