Originally posted by Vitamin G
I guess this is what happens when you pull back EPA regulations and funding
is this for California or the entire world on average? (OR USA)
They forced Californians to put on catalytic converters costing 3000 dollars or more each. these are the number one things stolen for the material in them or to resale on an open market
Sure the air looks better, we can see the Mountains as if it was 1800 on a day no one was burning coal but these particulates have caused Asthma to increase 5 fold since the 1970s when you could see your cars exaust. We didn't make it safer, we're killing people (especially children) with increase lung diseases.
Stop this enhancementing out emissions and go back to pushing electric hybrid for fuck sakes. fewer people will die and your days will be hazier.
Think of the old 1970s LA sunsets they had because of car exaust. ;)
yeah I'm the crazy one but I bet fewer children will die when the particles become much larger to logg into the smaller airways in the lower lungs turning into pneumonia or other breathing problems.
I bet it's a scam to make this semi precious metal become less abundant and find the fucking people who invested in these metals when they found out what would go into these converters?
Prove me wrong Mother Fuckers!