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Oh boy...

  1. #21
    What would chris hansen say?
  2. #22
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Clutch What would chris hansen say?

    "Why don't you take seat, right over there."
  3. #23
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Sophie If the girl receives equal or greater value from the relationship than i do is it still wrong?

    Realistically what are the chances of an 14 year old girl having a net positive experience in a romantic relationship with an adult? Regardless of intrinsic permissibility we live in a society where that wouldn't be recognized as a legitimate relationship, she would have to hide the fact, one worries about the psychological effect of shaming in tandem with early sexual experiences. Assuming the relationship was monogamous she'd be barred from romantic relationships with her intellectual and emotional peers. It's a relationship that could never really go anywhere. I mean maybe right to choose romantic partners trumps the welfare concern (like being gay is generally a liability, but I don't think that's grounds to deny people's choice in the matter) but it seems hard to really make the case that mp consensual relationships could be pathological
  4. #24
    cummies uwu

    i just want a girl thatll dissect a dog while i fuck her in the ass


    plargies??? XuX

    scroogies? ^OV

    lol i had a dream of someone fucking a toddler

    get MAD


  5. #25
    HampTheToker African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie I have literally no idea what that sentence means.

    I was literally working while typing that last post.

    Basically, consent (excuse the sjw hotword). Most cultures, governments, and civil societies understand the dangers of youthful ignorance and protect them from it. The taboo of pedophilia or whatever feel you want to call it is commonly wrong, and it doesn't matter that you feel your uncommon urge is justified because your peers do not. If you act on it, you'll go to prison, and you're going to have a bad time.

    So are you saying that because something is immoral and unethical in the eyes of the law it becomes a fact? Since when does the law equal morality? The law is just some words on paper.

    If you live within a society and function as a citizen in any way, then you are accountable to it's laws. That's life, man. It sucks, but it works even when you personally disagree with it.

    Again how do you know this? And don't tell me "because law and science breh". If there is any sort of factual science behind this claim i would encourage you to provide the relevant studies to support your claim.

    Go into any prison as an out and proud pedophile.

    Tell your neighbor...your boss...your mother. Tell your love interests parents. Unless she comes from a broken home and has none. A lost little sheep unaware of true predators.

    That's retarded. Also, how stupid do you think women are? That they need any sort of external force to protect them from bad decisions? Sounds like some type of white-knighting faggotry. Women have moral agency, therefore they are morally responsible for the choices that they make.

    Everyone is responsible for their decisions regardless of gender. Children, however, are not legally or socially able to make informed choices about sex. That is a fact. Dispute it if you like, but all evidence and nature itself side with a parent in protecting it's young from predators.

    I already addressed this by saying that in the case the relation is the least voluntary, i should make it my business to act ask if the person in question had all the power to leave/resist/whatever and even then be good to them so that even if there were no power disparity they would choose to be with me.

    Especially, if that choice isn't really a choice at all. Like you find the perfect girl that just needs you. It isn't wrong if she genuinely wants you, right?

    Not right. As an adult, you have a responsibility to not diddly the kiddlies. Whether or not consent was given is irrelevant. It does not supercede your responsibility as an adult. Like or no like.

    Ok then we agree, i can instruct them of the consequences of engaging in X activity with me and they can be all about childhood and do the trial and error business you speak of.

    That's not how the sex talk works. It's almost always a warning to wait for sex until they're older and able to appreciate the consequences of their actions. You're guidance is nothing but veiled seduction. This is a predatory act despite your protests.

    Do you use the word "prey" when you speak of grownup women as well or only when you try to imply i am a predator?

    All men consider their love interests prey. All's fair in love and war. Except fucking children. Fucking children isn't fair at all.

    You can try, i am not arguing with you for shits and giggles i am open to hear a solid moral argument.

    You lie so sexy.

    Can you be reasoned out of your attraction to women?

    I am not a cuck, so no. But, say you do have a moral breakthrough. Even given proper time to evolve and solidify, if you were exposed to sexually charged imagery of children, your brain would likely respond the same as it does now. I'm sorry Soph, but you're fucked for life like the rest of us.
  6. #26
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Lanny Realistically what are the chances of an 14 year old girl having a net positive experience in a romantic relationship with an adult? Regardless of intrinsic permissibility we live in a society where that wouldn't be recognized as a legitimate relationship, she would have to hide the fact, one worries about the psychological effect of shaming in tandem with early sexual experiences. Assuming the relationship was monogamous she'd be barred from romantic relationships with her intellectual and emotional peers. It's a relationship that could never really go anywhere. I mean maybe right to choose romantic partners trumps the welfare concern (like being gay is generally a liability, but I don't think that's grounds to deny people's choice in the matter) but it seems hard to really make the case that mp consensual relationships could be pathological

    Well of course society will look down on it, and shame might e a factor. And yes, we should take that into account in these matters. But does that fundamentally speak to the (a)morality of the act itself?
  7. #27
    why doesn't anyone turn my post in a quote ladder?
  8. #28
    Originally posted by the holy ghost cummies uwu

    This is the original. It's always good to start with a solid foundation.

    i just want a girl thatll dissect a dog while i fuck her in the ass

    Find a psychologist, friend. Seriously. I'm sure it'll make you feel much better.


    plargies??? XuX

    scroogies? ^OV

    It's an abstract sort of feel.

    lol i had a dream of someone fucking a toddler

    Don't put yourself down mate. We all have dreams like this.

    get MAD

    I'm not mad at you. I'm trying to help you.


    Getting a bit excessive, isn't it?


    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #29
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Sophie Well of course society will look down on it, and shame might e a factor. And yes, we should take that into account in these matters. But does that fundamentally speak to the (a)morality of the act itself?

    No, I don't think there's an a priori issue but we're talking about an applied case in freaky-eyes deviantart-chan right? I don't think there's anything good that's likely to come of giving her your attentions.
  10. #30
    HampTheToker African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the holy ghost why doesn't anyone turn my post in a quote ladder?


    Originally posted by the holy ghost cummies uwu

    i just want a girl thatll dissect a dog while i fuck her in the ass



    plargies??? XuX

    scroogies? ^OV


    lol i had a dream of someone fucking a toddler


    get MAD






    Post last edited by HampTheToker at 2017-01-14T19:53:21.239894+00:00
  11. #31
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by HampTheToker Basically, consent (excuse the sjw hotword). Most cultures, governments, and civil societies understand the dangers of youthful ignorance and protect them from it. The taboo of pedophilia or whatever feel you want to call it is commonly wrong, and it doesn't matter that you feel your uncommon urge is justified because your peers do not. If you act on it, you'll go to prison, and you're going to have a bad time.

    Reasoning from consequences has nothing to do with principles or morality. Therefore this is not a moral argument.

    Originally posted by HampTheToker If you live within a society and function as a citizen in any way, then you are accountable to it's laws. That's life, man. It sucks, but it works even when you personally disagree with it.

    Sure i can't do anything about it but listen. People used to think faggots were insane, and it was even illegal to be a fag. That didn't make the public's perception of fags right, now did it?

    Originally posted by HampTheToker Go into any prison as an out and proud pedophile.

    Tell your neighbor…your boss…your mother. Tell your love interests parents. Unless she comes from a broken home and has none. A lost little sheep unaware of true predators.

    Again just because most people agree with you doesn't mean that you are right. This is a logical fallacy called argumentum ad populum

    Originally posted by HampTheToker Everyone is responsible for their decisions regardless of gender. Children, however, are not legally or socially able to make informed choices about sex. That is a fact. Dispute it if you like, but all evidence and nature itself side with a parent in protecting it's young from predators.

    1. We already established that any argument that says "cuz the law" is not a moral argument.
    2. Saying "that is a fact" does not make it so. How do you know? Because it feels right? "Muh feels" is not an argument.

    Originally posted by HampTheToker Especially, if that choice isn't really a choice at all. Like you find the perfect girl that just needs you. It isn't wrong if she genuinely wants you, right?


    Originally posted by HampTheToker Not right. As an adult, you have a responsibility to not diddly the kiddlies. Whether or not consent was given is irrelevant. It does not supercede your responsibility as an adult. Like or no like.

    Who made you the Grand Arbiter of what supersedes what nigga'?

    Originally posted by HampTheToker That's not how the sex talk works. It's almost always a warning to wait for sex until they're older and able to appreciate the consequences of their actions. You're guidance is nothing but veiled seduction. This is a predatory act despite your protests.

    I will admit i was being cheeky in that part, but i thought it was pretty obvious i wasn't talking about "the sex talk".

    Originally posted by HampTheToker All men consider their love interests prey.

    Do we?

    Originally posted by HampTheToker All's fair in love and war. Except fucking children. Fucking children isn't fair at all.

    Consistency bro, it's important. If all is fair in love and war so if fucking children.

    Originally posted by HampTheToker You lie so sexy.

    Whether you think i am lying or not i do want to hear a moral argument. As of yet you have failed to provide me with any logcially consistent compelling ones.

    Originally posted by HampTheToker I am not a cuck, so no. But, say you do have a moral breakthrough. Even given proper time to evolve and solidify, if you were exposed to sexually charged imagery of children, your brain would likely respond the same as it does now. I'm sorry Soph, but you're fucked for life like the rest of us.

    I never denied i was fucked. If anything i am probably more fucked.
  12. #32
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Lanny No, I don't think there's an a priori issue but we're talking about an applied case in freaky-eyes deviantart-chan right? I don't think there's anything good that's likely to come of giving her your attentions.

    I was speaking more generally, but yeah i agree, freaky-eyes deviantart-chan is not suitable(((for reasons of ethics and shit))).
  13. #33
    cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the holy ghost i just want a girl thatll dissect a dog while i fuck her in the ass

    this is a very realistic goal
  14. #34
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