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Atomwaffen leader has his guns seized by the feds

  1. #21
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    yeah, absurd 'red flag' laws that allow anyone to target a person for disarmament by saying they're a vague threat. if they were able to prove that he ordered or had anything to do with the mentioned crimes they would've arrested him rather than confiscated his weapons.

    it'd be a different story if Atomwaffen was actually designated a terror group or something because then there'd be some legal basis for it, but they'll never do that because it's almost entirely a fed honeypot for idiots.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #22
    Ghost Black Hole
    they killed someone and make bombs
  3. #23
    Technologist victim of incest
    They are designated as terrorists by the International Center for Counter-terrorism.
  4. #24
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    not applicable to US law
  5. #25
    Technologist victim of incest

    I can find you many more links that proves atom Waffen is considered a terrorist group in the US.

    Don’t shoot the sender.
  6. #26
    Ghost Black Hole
  7. #27
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by aldra yeah, absurd 'red flag' laws that allow anyone to target a person for disarmament by saying they're a vague threat. if they were able to prove that he ordered or had anything to do with the mentioned crimes they would've arrested him rather than confiscated his weapons.

    it'd be a different story if Atomwaffen was actually designated a terror group or something because then there'd be some legal basis for it, but they'll never do that because it's almost entirely a fed honeypot for idiots.

    Tech takes the word of the government like gold. That's what socialists do. In their world, politicians and police never lie, they never scheme, and they can do no wrong. If they want to rob you of your constitutional rights, when no actual crime as been committed, well that's OK, because they are the ultimate arbitrators of what is right and wrong. They know what's best for everyone, even if you don't.
  8. #28
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    neither of those demonstrates that the group is legally considered a terrorist organisation and thus open to police action.

    again: they only confiscated his guns due to the new 'red flag' laws. if they considered him an accessory to the aforementioned crimes or a member of a terrorist group they simply would've arrested him. or killed him in a 'botched raid' more likely
  9. #29
    Technologist victim of incest
    I stopped reading after you called me a socialist.

    So I was a liberal yesterday, and now I’m a socialist? Just keep changing things to suit your agenda.

    How many times do I have to tell you I’m an independent?
  10. #30
    Ghost Black Hole
    This is a real terrorist group, designated as such.

    Attomwaffen is not legally designated as a terrorist group, they might be classified as such by non legal entities though. Like the ADL isn't actually a legal entity.

    If they were a terrorist group I could be in legal trouble for associating with them like I would be if I was a member of blood and honor. I don't associate with terrorists

  11. #31
    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by Ghost This is a real terrorist group, designated as such.

    Attomwaffen is not legally designated as a terrorist group, they might be classified as such by non legal entities though. Like the ADL isn't actually a legal entity.

    If they were a terrorist group I could be in legal trouble for associating with them like I would be if I was a member of blood and honor. I don't associate with terrorists

    LMAO Canadian Nazis
  12. #32
    Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by aldra neither of those demonstrates that the group is legally considered a terrorist organisation and thus open to police action.

    again: they only confiscated his guns due to the new 'red flag' laws. if they considered him an accessory to the aforementioned crimes or a member of a terrorist group they simply would've arrested him. or killed him in a 'botched raid' more likely

    Believe me if you want, but atom waffen is considered a domestic terrorist group in the US. Don’t know what to tell you, but this I know is true.

    The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations defines terrorism as "the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives" (28 C.F.R. Section 0.85).

    They absolutely fit the definition.

    You don’t have to believe me, that’s on you.
  13. #33
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Wikipedia says otherwise
  14. #34
    Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Wikipedia says otherwise

    Oh really?

    Atomwaffen Division
    Read in another language
    The Atomwaffen Division (Atomwaffen meaning "atomic weapons" in German) is a neo-Nazi terrorist network. Formed in 2015 and based in the Southern United States, it has since expanded across the United States and it has also expanded into the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, and the Baltic states. The group is part of the alt-right,[7][8][9][10][11] but is considered extreme even within that movement.[7] It is listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).[12

    Nice troll.😁
  15. #35
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by aldra neither of those demonstrates that the group is legally considered a terrorist organisation and thus open to police action.

    again: they only confiscated his guns due to the new 'red flag' laws. if they considered him an accessory to the aforementioned crimes or a member of a terrorist group they simply would've arrested him. or killed him in a 'botched raid' more likely

    They call people criminals, and yet they haven't arrested them for anything. You'd think if they knew for a fact someone was a criminal it wouldn't be so hard to find something to pin on them, with their billions of dollars in resources, high-tech equipment, and hundreds of thousands of faithful and obedient foot soldiers, and yet they have to resort to the "boogeyman under the bed" gambit. These idiots are pathetic, and they honestly think everyone is as stupid and corrupt as they are.
  16. #36
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  17. #37
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Technologist I stopped reading after you called me a socialist.

    So I was a liberal yesterday, and now I’m a socialist? Just keep changing things to suit your agenda.

    How many times do I have to tell you I’m an independent?

    The liberals of today ARE socialists ARE communists. You are one, even if you don't claim to be, because everything you believe in they also believe in. If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.
  18. #38
    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL They call people criminals, and yet they haven't arrested them for anything.

    The FBI have a political mission, which supersedes its law enforcement one.

    AtomWaffen, and its ilk, are used as a tool to make white advocacy look evil and irrational. This helps counter the risk of white separatism, an existential threat to the United States.

    Arresting people simply isn't the objective.
  19. #39
    Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by -SpectraL They call people criminals, and yet they haven't arrested them for anything. You'd think if they knew for a fact someone was a criminal it wouldn't be so hard to find something to pin on them, with their billions of dollars in resources, high-tech equipment, and hundreds of thousands of faithful and obedient foot soldiers, and yet they have to resort to the "boogeyman under the bed" gambit. These idiots are pathetic, and they honestly think everyone is as stupid and corrupt as they are.

    Need more😁
  20. #40
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country The FBI have a political mission, which supersedes its law enforcement one.

    AtomWaffen, and its ilk, are used as a tool to make white advocacy look evil and irrational. This helps counter the risk of white separatism, an existential threat to the United States.

    Arresting people simply isn't the objective.

    The CIA and FBI, in full cooperation with local authorities, create these organizations, then use them as vehicles for their political objectives. And those political objectives aren't for the people or the country, they are for their own self enrichment. It's the perfect criminal organization, and they have a whole lot of useful idiots to back them up. Same thing with ISIS and Al-Qaeda and all the rest of the so-called "terrorists". The CIA and intelligence agencies from around the world, created them all. They also created Facebook and Twitter and Google and ALL the rest, and all the fake news.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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