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snab snib nigga! pike #5 "regarding drugs"

  1. #1
    snab_snib African Astronaut

    DMT corrects a chemical imbalance in your brain.

    4-aco-dmt is cheap, legal, and i have taken it daily for a long time.

    yes, at first you might freak out and have some otherworldy experiences or panic attacks. that's just part of coming alive.

    dmt is the neurotransmitter that says, 'this is all real. these things have meaning. life is important', in the same way that dopamine says, 'i'm happy. things are good'.

    i'm 99% percent certain that until recently it was the normal state of health for your brain to produce DMT naturally. pretty much everyone who lived 100 or more years ago was on DMT always.

    i don't know why, but can speculate, on how that changed.

    most of the shit you read on the internet about DMT is patently false.

    it helped me. maybe it can help you. it's better, healthier, safer than xanax or adderal or klonopin and shit.

    since i started taking it daily as medicine, i've used less and less and less, i still take a tiny amount in the morning, but, i think that soon i could probably stop using it and retain the calm, sober, acceptance of reality (and the accompanying power to change it) that it has brought me.

    it's made me genuinely humble and compassionate towards others. i've started making friends and taking interest in socialization, and opportunities open to me. i'm a productive member of society. women try to fuck me. that never happened before. i can sit down next to a female and not have the slightest anxiety, and everything i say is natural and true. brings a whole new meaning to 'just be yourself'. i am at peace with things.

    if you are interested, want to know more, or need help with this, just ask!

    the first experience of waking to real life involved, for me, the agonizing experience of seeing all my sins and the causes, and then preparing for death in grave fear, washing my face so that i could go before god clean, writing my will in terrible sorrow, and then dying and being swallowed by satan, going to hell, and being reborn. first thing i did was clean my room spotless. then i just took a long walk. i was listening to dantes inferno. everything that i heard was speaking to me directly. everything that happened was a message from god. i realized that god was actually talking to me and i went into a sort of revelatory trance. i communicated directly with something clearly not myself. when i got home, i was so tired, i just layed on the floor and slept like the dead. woke with drool beneath my mouth. looked around. everything was so clear. so real.

    i started working out, talking to my family. feeling love again, for myself, the world, the people around me. a lady tried fucking me almost immediately, and i turned her down because i felt it would be wrong. i had no regrets. my sins were forgiven. i realized that the religion i had been brought up in had provided a context for my experiences, and that i had rediscovered what it was to be an undamaged child. i was born again. i felt god move in my soul and i was forgiven. a new chance at life.

    things in my life have begun to take order, meaning, purpose.

    it's the natural state of perfect health. it's your birthright.

    DMT is the hormone that gives the sense of 'reality being real' and "this all mattering" in the way that dopamine gives the sense of 'i am happy' and seratonin 'i love people'.

    i take DMT every single day and have for years. it keeps me right. it's the best medicine. it helps me take things seriously and address problems directly.

    you're looking for 4-aco-dmt

    pay with bitcoin, although it's not illegal or anything. makes it really easy. 85 bucks will get you a gram. and 25 milligrams is enough to make your average fool spiral out of control. i just measure a dose as a match head on the tip of a knife.

    look at it as something to take everyday, is my advice. but understand that the transition is hard. you're going to pay for your sins. it'll make you think. you're going to have to be strong.

    once you succeed the trials, it's pretty smooth sailing. i take about 80mg a day.

    5-meo-dmt is so powerful, that it's like getting shot in the head. i used to manufacture 5-meo-dmt and it took me about 200 doses in order to learn the strength to see it through to the end and seize the prize.

    4-aco-dmt is different from 5-meo-dmt. 4-aco is a small powder that can be taken orally or sniffed. it's not like sniffing cocaine, since such a tiny amount is needed, and it's not caustic.

    it's not pricey when you consider that 85 dollars gets you 400 doses.

    they use bitcoin to protect themselves from idiots. some moron could take some of their stuff and totally lose their shit, wind up in the hospital or dead through retarded behavior.

    which brings me to the next point: this isn't weed or cocaine. it's legal and lets keep it that way. be responsible.

    ya know, they offer different methods of payment, and i think they took debt/credit until recently. or they might still and it was just down when i started doing business with them. not sure. the money order is canada only though - i think.

    and yeah, its 4-aco-dmt you're looking for. 5-meo-dmt is a whole other ballpark and i speak from extensive experience with both when i recommend 4-aco-dmt over 5-meo-dmt. 4-aco-dmt is metabolized into psilocin, the primary active indole alkaloid of magic mushrooms. (the psilocybin sort of course). 5-meo-dmt can be had from colorado river frogs if you're that eager to try it out.

    fuck adraphinil. if you want the alert-drug, get the real thing, modafinil, from they're totally legit. takes a week or so to arrive from india. not illegal on your end. although it's against regulations for them to sell it without license, that's not your problem legally, and if for some reason customs took it, will resend it.

    phenibut is good stuff. its a anxiolytic (reduces anxiety). muscle relaxant. people use it to get through alcohol and heroin withdrawals. i keep a supply of it handy.

    my medicine cabinet includes...


    3-fluorophenmetrazine (its a non seratogenic, non dopaminergenic stimulant that is gentler and safer than adderal. it pretty much just doesn't have any rushiness or euphoric elements, and you can eat and sleep on it).


    modafinil (provides clean, powerful alert wakefulness, without the side effects of amphetamine-methamphatine stimulants such as adderal and desoxyn, and it's waaaay better for you than the ritalin and weirder kinds of stims)

    Crouton (it has the general potency of coffee, but the effect is that of simply making you have a nicer day. extremely safe. can find a grrrrreat source of legit Crouton for the best prices anywhere if you want that)


    nicotine (bracing, cleansing, preparatory, extending effect)

    catnip (very very gentle effect of whimsicality and mood lifting) ( i roll cigarettes with44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 american spirit organic tobacco and organic catnip. very nice smoke.)

    alcohol. (alleviates care.)

    4444444444444 4 4 44444444444444444 444444444

    fuk uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 100% tears fam tbh tears

    unsung heros

    A Rose At The Feet Of The Georgia Guidestones

    He Snuck in. Nobody saw him. he knew how to defeat the security.

    He saw the stones. so many had defaced them. slung paint on them.

    so many bullets were purchased to be fired at the man who put them in place.

    and they did not know. they did know know that the bullets they had bought...

    had been bought to fire at an alien mother fucking species.

    they never had the slightest chance.

    they had no ultimate weapon.

    they were a joke.

    as the comedian has said, the comedian is dead. and they are now or will be dead.

    and the terror that appears above them in the sky with the trumpets of the grey horse of death....

    was an unsung hero.

    i'd like to watch the video that induces epilepsy again that XY0 linked me.


    just put it on my youtube recommended page. front page. i'll go there now.

    i'll keep an eye out for it over the years however, and remember.

    temperance and moderation is key here. keep in mind that 'the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil' is drugs. the medicine staff - caduceus. dose makes the poison or the cure. food is medicine too.

    there are good illegal drugs, but i prefer to have the cops on my side than to have illegal stuff around. it's better for both myself and the cops. and honestly the illegal drugs are not necessary. they're more for partying, getting high, blasting off to the moon, etc, and really, again, unnecessary, once you 'get right with god' which is the point of taking DMT medicinally to correct a chemical imbalance in your brain.

    ayahuasca is, traditionally and typically, banistoperosiis caapi, psychotria viridis, syrian rue, acacia confusia, mimosa hostilis jurema, all boiled into a hideous brew. the DMT requires a monoamine oxidase inhibitor in order to cross the blood-brain barrier through the digestive tract. certain aged or preserved foods can poison you with MAOi's in your system. avoid cheese, sausage, preserved foods. you'll experience similar symptoms to an amphetamine overdose if you eat them. it's not fun.

    anyways, ayahuasca is 5-meo-dmt (mostly) that lasts a long time and is extremely intense. it's a traditional ritual.

    nowadays, people take 'pharmahuasca' by taking a tincture of syrian rue or caapi along with 5-meo-dmt dissolved in alcohol. you can find specific instructions on the 4-aco-dmt does not require a MAOi. you can just eat it and it lasts a long time.

    as far as other sites that can help you with your spiritual journey, that's pretty much all you need, you'll find things come to you after you embark, you don't need to go to them. it's natural. that's just what real life is like. you'll find humility and compassion and be purified, and things will be clear.

    it took a lot of trial and error and persistance to get this knowledge. i give it to you because i wish to see you do well. but speak softly. jesus blew the lid off of it, and he got crucifed for it.

    nope, i've worked since i was expelled in 10th grade. first i was a dishwasher, and then a salesman, and then a professional baker for six years. after that i walked 2500 miles across the USA with backpack, sleeping in ditches. i hooked up with some gypsies, and painted and repaired barns for about a year. after that i came to live at my grandparents property, and got a job at an ice cream factory, working in a freezer warehouse that stays at -30f. i was manual labor, catching product off the line and stacking it at first, and then was promoted to inspector, and managed the staging of orders to be loaded onto trucks. i quit that job recently after receiving an offer for an apprenticeship with a carpentry union, and now, my aunts boyfriend has offered me a position in the subsidiary charity he's starting, as sort of a mobile manager-overseer. decent salary. certainly enough. i'll probably start going to local school for welding soon, because once i master welding, i already know how to program and operate and trouble shoot computer controlled manufacturing process machinery. if i can do that i'll be making 80-100 dollars an hour. which would be pretty cool.

    i say all this in order to show you that, as jesus said "in all you do, do it as though you do it for me (jesus)". my bosses are always crushed when i leave. it's about choosing right over wrong.

    let me just stop with two little philosophical sayings.

    true and false is right and wrong is life and death is yes and no is good and evil.

    and your spirit becomes your thoughts, your thoughts become your ideas, and your ideas become your thoughts become your words become your beliefs become your actions become your habits becomes your character which becomes your destiny.

    "You're a king among men. Thank you very much for all of this.

    I've been on a bit of a nootropic adventure (really only happy with Piracetam, and even then only in mega-quantities that are way too much effort to keep up with)

    But I've definteily felt lately that "amping up" my brain isn't making me happier, or even more productive. I went a month straight on a Piracetam high and at the end of it just wanted to slow down. I see now that it's about respecting each state of mind and each moment for what it is, to acknowledge the sacredness in all of it.

    You're right, you're right... I've got a lot of anger I'm working through lately... it's all bubbling up over the last few months. Life is good so I'm not sure why. Maybe I'm just ready and this is part of letting it go."

    noopept is the best of those kinds of things. but it takes a month to kick in in a good way. you can just take a shit ton, but, you'll get a weird high and headaches. in my experience. you kinda gotta sneak up on it and be very regular with it, and there's not really any point to the noopept if you're not going to take a full range of vitamin and mineral and precursor supplements to support the increased functions.

    i think you're right about amping up your brain. definitely, there's a time and place for that. however, without the why, the how is pointless. a lambhorgini does't help if you have nowhere to go! you can have all the money in the world, but, do you know how to spend it?

    'who, what, why, where, when' comes to mind, and i think the order matters. if you have that straightened out, the how comes naturally.

    as for the anger, i fully understand. it sounds like you're coiling up, tensing for action. preparing to take up the good fight. and for that, i applaud you. 'all the angels in heaven rejoice more over a single soul coming to salvation, than over a million sinners being punished'.

    i used to use drugs and smoke weed and stuff. i don't anymore because i don't need it. i used to binge eat. i don't anymore. i've lost 20 pounds. i used to masturbate daily. now i just do it once a week or so to relieve pressure on my balls. i used to be a shut in. now sometimes i just go out in public and talk to people and make friends. i used to look away from people. now i look at people and ask, how can i make them smile? i used to let my room become filthy. now i just keep it clean. i used to be lazy. now i find things to do and help people. i used to be negative and hateful. now i look on the bright side and do my best to improve every situation i'm in. i used to find closed doors in life. now everyone i meet has some opportunity to offer me. i used to be afraid of girls. now women have a normal place in my life. i used to avoid new experiences. now i seek them out. i used to hate existing. now i love life. people probably used to look at me and think i was a druggie, even if i wasn't using drugs at the time. now, i dress clean, take care of myself, and people love me. i used to have no hope or future. now, i take care to do things so i can live longer. i used to be arrogant and miserable. now i'm humble and compassionate.

    this is a continuing, permanent state, that has had the kind of results that people only see out of prescribed anti-depressants in anti-depressant commercials. it's not something i arrived at quickly or by accident, but through years of searching and thinking. my daily doses of the medicine have become smaller and smaller as time goes by, and i have to remind myself to take them. i'm aware that drugs are mostly misused even when people have good intentions.

    but maybe there's something else going on that you haven't heard of yet. it's possible, isn't it?

    is dopamine a drug? are you you when you're happy? what if you're not what you thought you were? we've all heard of the 'chemical imbalance' theory of psychiatric science. what if they're well meaning, but going about it wrong? what if you're just sick, and need medicine? what if this has been completely normal for most of human history? what if you're not you when you're sick and feeling bad? what if the natural state of humans is complete peace with self and happiness, but, due to environmental factors, that balance has been disturbed, and careful corrections can bring you back to health? what if it's worth a shot, because nothing is worth anything if you don't cure this disease? what if everything really isn't your fault, but there are things you can do to change it? what if you're losing your grip on reality and replacing it with misery, just because you have a disordered state of psychoneurology? what if the aim wasn't to ignore the problem, or take an easy path to fixing it, but instead to find a way to enable yourself to take action to correct your life? what if just trying to use willpower and self abuse never, ever works, and you end your life wondering what could have been?

    what if humans before the enlightenment, and era of psychiatry, the people living in tribal societies close to nature, already had figured this kind of stuff out through millenia of trial and error?

    what if it's impossible to ever fully understand and describe this kind of thing, chemically and neurologically, but, when something works, it works?

    what if there's nothing to be lost, because without that one certain state of health that people have found after being 'born again', nothing matters anyways, and even if death or madness were a possibility, it'd be better to risk death or madness than to not find that state of spiritual, mental, and physical perfection?

    what if this is actually an extremely old and reliable technique that has simply fallen out of knowledge and practice in our culture?

    believe me, brother. i know what balance is. intimately. and you can probably recognize it when you see it, too, and other people can recognize it, or it's absence, in you. it's completely instinctive. you've maybe met some people that just seemed... so right. to have it together. you felt at a basic gut level that something was good about them.

    what if the laws of spiritual wellness are as concrete as the laws of physics? what if the brain is a delicate piece of machinery that can only serve its purpose when well maintained?

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