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Have any of you been the victim of or know people who have suffered from daycare abuse?

  1. #1
    Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    I know that lanny and krotz have gone into detail about their childhood abuse stories before but I want to hear more about you other people here
    What happened to you, I need all the details

  2. #2
    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Dunno. Have weird memories whenever I take LSD. Probably some stuff when I was very young.
  3. #3
    Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dunno. Have weird memories whenever I take LSD. Probably some stuff when I was very young.

    LSD burns holes into your brain and creates schizophrenia
  4. #4
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal LSD burns holes into your brain and creates schizophrenia

    It only makes you schizophrenia if you are already weird and take it too much. Dosing a few times out of the year is actually good for a lot of people.

    I've only illegal drugs a couple times in the last year (wow time flys by) but the one thing that's been most determintal to me is alcohol. It's the curse that keeps on giving but I do genuinely enjoy getting jolly but I'm an all or nothing kind of gont.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #5
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby It only makes you schizophrenia if you are already weird and take it too much. Dosing a few times out of the year is actually good for a lot of people.

    I've only illegal drugs a couple times in the last year (wow time flys by) but the one thing that's been most determintal to me is alcohol. It's the curse that keeps on giving but I do genuinely enjoy getting jolly but I'm an all or nothing kind of gont.

    I wanted to hear about you getting moledd in daycare tho
  6. #6
    idk, I took a 10 strip and it seemed to reconfuckulate my brain pretty good, some ways good, some ways not so good. I think it's for the better tbh, although it's caused me a lot fo problems too. I'll probably do some shrooms next time
  7. #7
    I got molested by my babysitter at the daycare but I enjoyed it. It was all girls btw
  8. #8
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I is now a (probably multi) millionaire
  9. #9
    i dunno gont, I never got abused for realsies by a babysitter, but I have abused some old people I was more or less babysitting.. someday I'll make a corrected version of the story I told cause I didn't actually do a lot of it on purpose, it was just the status quo of all of us there, but there certainly was some legitimate "abuse" that I intended to inflict I guess you could call it, but that was rare.

    Also rare but not as rare as the abuse was some serious tender moments that I'll never forget, although I'm not thinking of them right now because I would have to actively think about it in order to remember and I don't feel like doing that right now.

    Interestingly about 90% of the residents there were all female, very few males ever, usually only a couple at a time if that.
  10. #10
    Men cant get

    Originally posted by Sudo I is now a (probably multi) millionaire

  11. #11
    GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    I've never been in daycare
  12. #12
    I've beenst 68ing with me mum all midnight long a long time ago beyondst the land of the fire and of the snow
  13. #13
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    My mom used to run a daycare of sorts, where parents would drop their kids off before work, and then we'd all get dropped off at our respective schools.

    There was this one girl that I used to go into the closet with and show her my dick and she would touch it.

    We were both 9 at the time.

    I sometimes wonder if she considers that """abuse""" all these years later.

    If so, not exactly my fault.

    I was fucking 9.

    And, she was into it.

    Who even cares?

    All kids "play doctor", don't they?
  14. #14
    Everyone can consent
  15. #15
    GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by gadzooks My mom used to run a daycare of sorts, where parents would drop their kids off before work, and then we'd all get dropped off at our respective schools.

    There was this one girl that I used to go into the closet with and show her my dick and she would touch it.

    We were both 9 at the time.

    I sometimes wonder if she considers that """abuse""" all these years later.

    If so, not exactly my fault.

    I was fucking 9.

    And, she was into it.

    Who even cares?

    All kids "play doctor", don't they?

    How old was she?

    Also lol @ literally going into the closet
  16. #16
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by GAAAAALM How old was she?

    Also lol @ literally going into the closet

    She was also 9.

    We were both 9.

    Which is exactly why I don't feel any moral guilt over it.

    But I do hope she doesn't somehow interpret it as anything other than two kids fucking around.

    That would bother me on some level, but not morally.

    Two nine year olds playing with each other's genitalia in a closet is pretty natural.

    Or, at least, I assume it is.

    Maybe I was an especially pervy nine year old?
  17. #17
    GAAAAALM African Astronaut
    Reminds me of brave new world where all the kids are playing with each other and everyone grows up to be sluts.
  18. #18
    Oh my god
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