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The kike media isn't even hiding its anti-white bias anymore

  1. #21
    tbh I dont think that the media, or anyone else for that matter, needs to hide a disdain for people like you OP. I dont think that your race plays a role in it either as people like you are generally disliked overall.

    Take some drugs or something and witness your life from a different perspective; realize what you really are.

    Bit of advice OP, get a job and start putting together money for guns and a gym membership. If you actually do this you will think to yourself in even just one year of persevere routine "Russian, brother, thank you for the advice".
  2. #22
    Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by bigthink

    The first sign was a seemingly innocuous word, used lightheartedly: “triggered.”

    As my 11- and 14-year-old sons and their friends talked and bantered — phones in hand, as always — in the back seat of the car, one of them shouted it in response to a meme, and they all laughed uproariously.

    I almost lost control of the car. That’s because I know that word — often used to mock people who are hurt or offended by racism as overly sensitive — …

    “Hold on a minute,” I said, snatching his phone. “Was that Hitler?”

    The meme showed a man in contemporary clothing tipping off the Nazi leader to the invasion of Normandy. My son said he hadn’t even read it, he’d just assumed the time traveler was trying to kill Hitler, not help him. He was shocked and embarrassed when I pointed out the actual message: that it would have been better if the Holocaust had continued.

    “I’m not stupid enough to like a Hitler meme on purpose, Mom,” he said. “And anyway, I’m sure my friend shared it to be ironic.”

    Dr. Katz says. YouTubers and participants in chat forums like 4chan, the defunct 8chan and Discord “regularly denigrate liberal or progressive white men as soft, emasculated ‘MORALLY SUPERIOR BEINGs’ and insufficiently aggressive or right-wing white men as ‘cucks.’
    It’s not just a person in a K.K.K. hood but also the smooth-talking YouTuber in the suit or the seemingly friendly voice in the video game forum.

    Hitler was the good guy of WWII
    that dad is going to ruin his son by forcefully indoctrinating him with his warped and artificial view of history
  3. #23
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by mmQ I've never heard someone say that that way. I met her ORGANICALLY. lol. That's why girls wanna fuck you too. You say shit like that and they're like wow what does that even mean let's fuck. I like Odile. Be nice to her and dknt deflower her. She deserves better. I mean that with all due respect.

    You know what I mean. I'm still really high from the Suboxone. It's just so many chickens I've met chickens online and I think there's something to be said for it not happening that way because online there's already expectations and implications on both sides and a stake trite conversation that follows like a script. Without just seeing the real you initially in the buff

    I like her what's wrong with me actually wanting to be with a good girl. She said she likes me and doesn't want anything bad to happen to me when most just use me for sex an the "idea" of me
  4. #24
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Hitler was the good guy of WWII
    that dad is going to ruin his son by forcefully indoctrinating him with his warped and artificial view of history

    He was the cuck of ww2 to be honest
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #25
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    At least I try with my non normie shit. WOW I LOVE HITLER HE WAS SO COOL.

    ok so they are going to invent this virtual reality holocaust game where you can be Hitler.

    Ya know. Did he even get his hands dirty or did he just sit around like Trump making other people do the dirty work? Hitler was a faggot. Lol. I bet he never killed one single jedi himself.
  6. #26
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by mmQ At least I try with my non normie shit. WOW I LOVE HITLER HE WAS SO COOL.

    ok so they are going to invent this virtual reality holocaust game where you can be Hitler.

    Ya know. Did he even get his hands dirty or did he just sit around like Trump making other people do the dirty work? Hitler was a faggot. Lol. I bet he never killed one single jedi himself.

    Hitler was actually didn't want to exterminate the jedis he just wanted them out initially, but influenced by Hassan al-Banna of the muslim brotherhood that became butt buddies, took a lot hot showers together ect.. But thats why hiki likes him because he's a pussy, he constantly talks about how whytes need to take action against the sub-Ubermensch but you know hiki would never be willing to join an anti-shithole skin walker ranch militia much less an alt right activist group unless its sitting on four chan next to his dakimakura.

    Even lindsey zywiciel has more balls than hiki and she's a little girl that would totally dismiss a gont like hiki in a heart beat
  7. #27
    Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby He was the cuck of ww2 to be honest

    No was was a chad motherfucker.
    He had the US, international banking cabal and world jewry against him with his only allies being small little nations that didn't really contribute anything to his cause.
    He only lost because of that and if the US wasn't a ZOG puppet we would have allied with Germany.
  8. #28
    Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Even lindsey zywiciel has more balls than hiki and she's a little girl that would totally dismiss a gont like hiki in a heart beat

    Well if you like her she must be an insufferable little bitch
    I wouldn't give her the time of day anyway
  9. #29
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal No was was a chad motherfucker.
    He had the US, international banking cabal and world jewry against him with his only allies being small little nations that didn't really contribute anything to his cause.
    He only lost because of that and if the US wasn't a ZOG puppet we would have allied with Germany.

    Don't think so lil bromo
  10. #30
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Well if you like her she must be an insufferable little bitch
    I wouldn't give her the time of day anyway

    You mad lil bromo?
  11. #31
    Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Is that all you can say?

    You can never even come up with any real responses you just regurgitate the same made up words you came up with
  12. #32
    cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Except for blue eyes, eye color isn't really race exclusive.
    Hazel eyes are the most beautiful of them all.

    I have hazel eyes m8. Am real special now I see thx buddy
  13. #33
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Is that all you can say?

    You can never even come up with any real responses you just regurgitate the same made up words you came up with

    That's really rich coming from you. You make the same threads everyday based off of very base YouTube videos.
  14. #34
    Japan-Is-Eternal Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby very based YouTube videos.

    thanks for the compliment

    you should watch this

  15. #35
    Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    Blue eyes are a reptilian/aryan/atlantean throwback and they make it easier to do certain kinds of mind control.

    Green eyes are cool too. Women with green eyes look good that way. Eye color is not really a necessity for me when determining how attractive a woman is, although I'd probably be better off ending up with a more reptilian type of woman that has blue or green eyes.
  16. #36
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz Blue eyes are a reptilian/aryan/atlantean throwback and they make it easier to do certain kinds of mind control.

    Green eyes are cool too. Women with green eyes look good that way. Eye color is not really a necessity for me when determining how attractive a woman is, although I'd probably be better off ending up with a more reptilian type of woman that has blue or green eyes.

    what kind of mind control do you speak of? and how so? mind control really aint shit with the eyes, its about the bravado and skill, with the ginko that we find
  17. #37
    Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby what kind of mind control do you speak of? and how so? mind control really aint shit with the eyes, its about the bravado and skill, with the ginko that we find

    I have a whole thread about this, and it's mostly serious. But, if you read up on persuading people to do different things, billions of dollars have been spent in the private sector and government sector on this, and blue eyes are generally associated with better ability to persuade people to do things.

    The thousand yard stare is something else entirely, but it's related. Not so much related to eye color. It's a long range telepathic ability that most humans possess that is only activated through extreme trauma or stress, usually over long periods of time. It's a military secret and a secret of certain ninja clans that the US military is allied with.

    I ran into this black ops guy that I sorta know today. He's one of those "super soldiers" like Max Spiers, there's no doubt about it. Jedi abilities and such. He can use "The Force" but it manifests differently for everyone. Some people are better at different aspects of it. I can do things with it that he can't do and he can do things I can't do. There's a whole community of us here. Max Spiers mentioned San Antonio in one of the interviews with him and another super soldier. A lot of black ops soldiers that are retired, or officially out of the military, often are huge potheads to begin with, and when they get out, the cops don't fuck with them here at all for smoking weed or even selling some.

    Anyway it was a strange coincidence today that I ran into this dude on a side of town I wouldn't expect to see him on. Right after they lock me out of my google account for learning too much about certain clandestine science. I'd been using the account to store clandestine information and information that is somewhat damaging to the communist/leftist reputation, so there's probably several reasons they wanted me locked out.

    Then this guy shows up, and an ATM spits out way more money than I requested... Like they're trying to tell me I needed to spend more money so I don't go fucking insane and start killing everyone. If they can't persuade you with HUMINT, they'll use SIGINT. Fuckers, but I keep them guessing, so they won't actually know whether or not I'm actually going to spazz out and start slaughtering rooms full of ninjas.

    Anyway you live in Austin so you wouldn't really understand, but if you ask some military dudes about it they might tell you. I mean like older ones mostly, or the younger ones that know more about PsyOps as an MOS. "Men who stare at goats" and such.
  18. #38
    Kuntzschutz African Astronaut

    Eye color is also linked to "animal magnetism"

    It's possible people with blue eyes have a higher degree or manifest a different kind of magnetism, but everyone has it to some extent. It's also linked to RH negative blood type, which is more electrically conductive.
  19. #39
    Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    RH- is also more MAGNETIC, which makes people be DRAWN TO THEM. This makes them influential in whatever sphere they belong to. This is why it is so important for the sub-humans (Illuminati) to control them; they hold key positions and others will follow them. Having influence draws jealousy, competition and the desire to destroy them from those of very low vibration. In this way the controllers can use the mindless to tear down the mindful, the darkness to tear down the light – without having to go and do it themselves. This is the essence of black magic.

    Jesus also had light colored eyes, possibly blue or green. He was AB negative. Jesus was also one of the original "targeted individuals" because of his influence. I've met a lot of blue eyed people that meant well, but were often very manipulative and shallow at times. I think these traits are preferred in people who are RH negative or hold the genes for it, because otherwise they end up altruistic which isn't good for the illuminati/government. Sort of like in the Count of Monte Cristo, where the blue eyed dude who comes from nobility is a manipulative asshole that gets the brown eyed protagonist locked up in a dungeon so he can steal his wife.

    When you see blue, according to an interview with Michael Aquino, former PsyOp specialist for the US Army and co-founder of the Church of Satan, it induces a neuro-chemical change in your brain, switching your brainwaves to Theta.

    Red induces Beta. So, seeing blue eyed people will have a certain effect, likely switching you to a more theta state of mind, which is possible why they are better at influencing people to do things. It's a sort of hypnotic dream-like brainwave state normally only found when you're sleeping. But the waking mind is a mix of different frequencies at all times.

    Yellow induces beta.
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