2017-01-13 at 5:15 PM UTC
Have you ever done this?.
I just got someone fired at work and I feel pretty good about it.
We got 2 new hires Monday and I was supposed to train one. I have trained people before, I don't like repeating myself and I gave him very clear instructions.
Getting trained by SC is a fucking blessing. I can teach more than work shit.
He didn't listen and fucked up a lot.
Other people tried to help him learn but he didn't listen so all my coworkers came up to me yesterday and each told me this guy is a derpadew you need to fix his mess.
So he doesn't show up today. My manager asks me what I think of him and I said so much bad stuff about him and my boss says "I think I'm gonna tell him not to come back"
He wasn't even that bad of a dude and his mistakes were harmless (I made the same ones even worse lol) he just pissed us all off, he kept telling me about his financial problems and every time he needs to take a shit so I'm glad he's gone.
Fucking with peoples lives makes mine better.
2017-01-13 at 5:25 PM UTC
Well I try not to do this unless I really dislike someone and I guess I don't have that many opportunities anyway but I have definitely told bosses about how much new people fucking suck and aren't going to be able to handle it. I mean if you can't handle a dishwashing job when it's just a little busy, you need to fucking kill yourself. I refuse to work with faggots that have one gear and like to take 10 cig breaks in an 8-hour shift. Far as I'm concerned take 100 breaks if you can actually bust your ass and stay caught up in the meantime. Until then, try telemarketing or working in a cheese factory. Nothing pisses me off more than working circles around some faggot who refuses to step it up. BURN IN HELL!!!😠😠😠
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
post didn't die in a fire!
2017-01-13 at 5:45 PM UTC
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
post didn't die in a fire!
2017-01-13 at 5:53 PM UTC
weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
Yeah, I try not to do that stuff either cause usually when I start a new job I'm a total derpadew.
But there was this one time I worked at a grocery store (i dont know if I exactly thru him under the bus, but I kinda felt like I "helped" him lose his job) as a butchers apprentice, Id cut meat and stock the meat shelves. There was this one derpadew named "greg" that was my age but just bagged groceries cause nobody trusted him with anything, and he was just randomly walk back the meat market and be a goober and just generally be annoying when I was busy with customers.
So one he came up behind me and was like "HEY DOUG!" so I immediately turned around and hosed him down with one of hanging dish washing hoses. And then I got on the intercom and sai ina different voice, ATTN greg your mother is at the front of the store with your diahreah medicine, that is all. And you could here a couple snickers around the store, it wan't even really funny. Then he got on the intercom and yelled something about fucking my mom, so we both had the gm pull us aside and talk to us, and I immediately covered my ass by saying hey what I said was just a joke and it was funny, and I didn't use any profanity, HE DID. so he told me to go back to work and then fired him.
And one other time that I didn't feel bad at all about was at the pizzeria downtown I was working at this time last year (my favorite job ever because I liked the people I worked, except this one fat piece of shit who I actually tried to get along with) when he first started I hated him seeing struggle with things because I knew what it felt like to suck at your job at first, so I'd help him out and jump in when I saw he needed help and so he caught on. The only thing was he was extremely lazy, he would always be taking cig breaks, or sitting in his car on his phone. And would be like "lol hey doug are we busy inside?" and it just started to bug me, plus he'd call in every sunday and call me all the time when i was already scheduled to work, if i could work for him and I'd tell him no man dont ever ask me again. (with him not working it was way more work for me and with him there we could actually make more tips)
So one night he was just chillin in his car and I couldn't stand it anymore and went out to his car and told him to get the fuck back inside. And mentioned to my manager how I was sick of it, kinda frothy about it. And so when the dude stepped in the store, I was like "oooh look fat boi finnally made it in" or something like that, and even though I did kinda act like a dick about it but my manager knew that I was right and didn't like the guy either, so he plotted against the guy to write him up for the next slight fuck up he made. which he did.
the guy eventually just quit coming into work.
2017-01-13 at 6:28 PM UTC
African Astronaut
[rumor the placative aphakia]
That's not really throwing someone under the bus. That's just being a douche. I do believe in holding people accountable, but not in a douche way.
A related story
In my first job, a guy named Mikey once looked me in the eye and said, "you're a real smart guy, but sometimes you say some stupid shit." Look at me now, Mikey. Look at me now.
2017-01-13 at 8:11 PM UTC
Never have, I've almost always found myself carrying at least one other person's work load. But it's whatever, some people just happen to be faster or slower at some things than others. If someone is just slow or just sucks and they're not a dickhead about it then it doesn't really bug me.
2017-01-13 at 8:18 PM UTC
Yeah, I've had the case where it was someone who was mediocre but they could probably get by, instead they just jerk off so other people had to pick up their work. That's bullshit. The much more common case in my experience is someone highly underskilled getting hired because hiring processes are shit, they'd do the work if they could, they just can't.
2017-01-13 at 8:56 PM UTC
i've never had a job before, except for that one time where i was doing some trial work at that grocery store they said they'd contact me whether they'd accept me or not either way but in the end no one called, those fucking niggers.
2017-01-13 at 11:22 PM UTC
No I just make sure to cover my own ass. To be honest I always felt more pressure and had less slack in my shitty jobs. Like if your a prick whenever people ask you questions your employees are going to reciprocate by doing a shit job.
2017-01-13 at 11:29 PM UTC
Also he kept talking about playing the lottery and also there is an omen that anyone that asks for a bandaid during their first week never lasts more than a month.
This is the third guy I've seen it happen too.