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People who kiss their dogs on the mouth are abhorrently disgusting

  1. #21
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    if you've seen the original video, his dad isn't satisfied with the first kiss and makes the kid give him another one
  2. #22
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    i kiss your sister on the mouth
  3. #23
    G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood they ignore me like girls :(

    Are you afraid of them tho? Dogs can detect body language and facial expressions.

    I usually get kinna excited around dogs and start petting them. If it's a girl's dog and you connect with it her heart melts instantly. My ex said she knew i was a good person when upon meeting her dog for the first time it ended (big shepard thing) up cuddling up with me at the end of the night instead of her. Hydro said something similar and i ended up making quick friends with her one dog who apparently had bitten multiple people. Also made friends with my cousin's German shepard he literally keeps locked in a walled yard to prevent it from attacking people.

    Some people aren't used to big dogs or dogs in general so they tense up or get scared when it barks and wants to play. You gotta love them instantly and they'll love you back.

    I've gotten bit but only once by accident while breaking up a 4 dog fight in the dark. And it's more of a slash than a bite. Got a nice scar. Which bonus: girls also like.

    I'm sure I'll meet a dog i cant make friends with one day but it hasn't happened yet. Don't miss out on the dog love scron. Dump hts and get a dog. Be frands with it.
  4. #24
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by aldra if you've seen the original video, his dad isn't satisfied with the first kiss and makes the kid give him another one

    Probably because the kid didnt plug his nose properly or fondle his balls properly for that matter.
  5. #25
    Technologist victim of incest
    The American heart association has added ball coddling to CPR. It helps circulation😁
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  6. #26
    Originally posted by G4LM No. I know your english is shit but i said it is pure like gold. Soft, beautiful, and precious.

    gold arent 'soft', you softboi.
  7. #27
    G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny gold arent 'soft', you softboi.

    Gold is soft... Its one of the softer metals, you piece of shit.
  8. #28
    Originally posted by G4LM Gold is soft… Its one of the softer metals, you piece of shit.

    im gonna beat you with it so that you can enjoy the soft and tender carress of solid gold bars.

    in your face.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #29
    G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny im gonna beat you with it so that you can enjoy the soft and tender carress of solid gold bars.

    in your face.

    Bet you wont, pussy.
  10. #30
    Originally posted by G4LM Bet you wont, pussy.

    btw if your mom is as "soft" as gold bars then she prolly has rigeour of mortis.
  11. #31
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL CPR

    Like they say... "two out of three ain't bad."
  12. #32
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]

    I had a cousin who did this exact same thing...

    I think you might be on to something.

    I even remember their tongues rubbing up against each other.

    I just thought my cousin was a weirdo, pervert, and all around reprobate...

    She is all of those things, though...

    ...the dog kissing thing just adds another nail in the coffin.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. #33
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Or I'm thinking of the other cousin...

    One a scholar, the other a degenerate...

    I can't even remember which one kissed the dog.

    At every upcoming family gathering, it'll be like Schrodinger's beastiophiliacs.
  14. #34
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    OMG NO... It was an unrelated female friend I remember...

    Or maybe both...

    I had a friend a few years ago share an ice cream cone with a dog.

    I thought it was the weirdest thing, personally, but at least a tad gross in her favor.

    I even brought it up later, and she thought it to be the most natural thing ever... Zero shame or self-directed disgust.

    I told her that I had seen a cousin do the exact same thing before, and in both cases I found it - at the very least, unsanitary - and at worst, a tad perverse.

    She returned with zero contest... Like it makes no difference whatsoever.

    Girls kinda are gross. Prolly got they cooties from dogs.

    I'm literally looking at condoms on Amazon right now, thanks to this thread.
  15. #35
    G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by gadzooks OMG NO… It was an unrelated female friend I remember…

    Or maybe both…

    I had a friend a few years ago share an ice cream cone with a dog.

    I thought it was the weirdest thing, personally, but at least a tad gross in her favor.

    I even brought it up later, and she thought it to be the most natural thing ever… Zero shame or self-directed disgust.

    I told her that I had seen a cousin do the exact same thing before, and in both cases I found it - at the very least, unsanitary - and at worst, a tad perverse.

    She returned with zero contest… Like it makes no difference whatsoever.

    Girls kinda are gross. Prolly got they cooties from dogs.

    I'm literally looking at condoms on Amazon right now, thanks to this thread.

    I am disturbed both by your lack of memory and your search for condoms. Nobody prompted you to look for condoms in a dog kissing thread. That's on YOU.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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