It's cringey and tacky bullshit made by clueless gen z kids who have never experienced the 80s or 90s. Nothing about it is authentic at all, the late 20th century wasn't at all like their crappy web art portrays. They got the aesthetics all wrong, it wasn't vaporwave at all, it was more like this:
An artistic representation of the 90s/80s
So basically vaporwave is fucking retarded and you got the aesthetic all wrong. It's just MOON PERSON/gen z kids misinterpreting a time they have no experience or recollection of.
it reminds me of when i was in high school and i started hanging out with mexican or otherwise really poor kids whose parents did hard drugs and they would be drinking a 40 like heeeeey kids dont get too drunk and doing lines
what do you think of this song? i think it's pretty good especially if you're stoned. the harmoniez are the best.
it reminds me of when i was in high school and i started hanging out with mexican or otherwise really poor kids whose parents did hard drugs and they would be drinking a 40 like heeeeey kids dont get too drunk and doing lines
When I was in my childhood apartment complex there were these cool juggalos who were in their late 20s or 30s that friended me and my buddies. It was really cool to receive respect from an adult, they didn't treat me like a kid they would approach me as a person. Juggalos are great people.