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slender man stabbing hoax/ psyops

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    the slender man stabbing is a hoax perpetrated by abc media. Now I know I've made a lot of hoax threads based off of other peoples ideas and theories, but this one is my own, and its a a hoax for obvious reasons. These 2 girls got to wear multiple times in court comic book hero t-shirts into court. I don't know where you live, but it most places in the united states you wear a jumpsuit or stripes when going to court (not special snow flake batmane clothes)

    They are being tried as adults as a way to demonstrate that kids need to cut back on the bullying. The parents of both children are pushing for an "insanity plea. They had a very cohesive plan that was planned out months before stabbing the girl. They have no prior mental health history, yet you're going to tell me that they are insane and didnt know what they were doing, but take a guy like roshambo or sploo who promiscuously sits on triangles at the age of 19.

    seems like a lot of you are constantly getting media-cucked/ media blitzed.

    next time you get a pet rabbit, dont name him charlie, name him Bill Krozby.
  2. #2
    Slender man is real.
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