Using a clockwork orange type apparatus to hold a victims eyelids open and force them to stare at the sun. I wonder what that would feel like. How long it would take for them to go blind. How bad it would hurt. Physically, psychologically.
I wonder why the moon is considered the opposite of the sun.
They really dont have anything to do with one another.
I wish the moon would make you sleepy if you stared at it for too long. Or if you were blind you could stare at the moon and it would restore your vision.
Originally posted by G4LM
You can if you have strong enough lights. The sun isn't that bright really. We have much brighter and hotter things here on earth.
Can you stare at something if you're blind? Imagine being blind and you're just casually sitting at a restaurant but you're basically staring at someone behind the other side of the table because you dont know what you're doing, and that person is like what the fuck why is this faggot staring at me this whole time and then a big fight ensues and you have to explain that you're blind and you didnt know but by then the guy you were staring at is BLIND with rage and pummels you to death.