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You ever have dreams you committed a serious crime and your scared of getting caught...

  1. #1
    Needledick Needledick Needledick motherfucker [mulishly down your brachydactylia]
    ...then wake up relived it was only a dream. Today I just had one that I did a bank robbery, or maybe just a store robbery, and for whatever reason didn't have a smart plan. I remember hiding a stack of money, then I suddenly remembered security cameras and I was like "shit..." and got scared cause I guess it didn't wear a mask or disguise, and started to expect police to come question me at any time.

    Then as I'm lying in my bed partly asleep (in the dream) I hear an FBI agent come into the room and say something about my car being seen on video somewhere right by the robbery or something, it wasn't that detailed / and I don't remember that well, but I was just like... "NOOO!" to myself and woke up relieved. Not long ago I had one about me stealing a car, and i've had a couple other about me murdering someone. The dream starts after the fact I did the crime and have to go through the fear of getting caught.

    Maybe its my subconscious trying to keep me scared straight to warn me not to do something serious. Of it could be because I often think "well, my life sucks but at least i'm not in prison"
  2. #2
    Ghost Black Hole
    Your mother raped me in my dream
  3. #3
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    You want to wind up on Walnut Creek.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    Originally posted by Needledick Needledick Needledick …then wake up relived it was only a dream. Today I just had one that I did a bank robbery, or maybe just a store robbery, and for whatever reason didn't have a smart plan. I remember hiding a stack of money, then I suddenly remembered security cameras and I was like "shit…" and got scared cause I guess it didn't wear a mask or disguise, and started to expect police to come question me at any time.

    Then as I'm lying in my bed partly asleep (in the dream) I hear an FBI agent come into the room and say something about my car being seen on video somewhere right by the robbery or something, it wasn't that detailed / and I don't remember that well, but I was just like… "NOOO!" to myself and woke up relieved. Not long ago I had one about me stealing a car, and i've had a couple other about me murdering someone. The dream starts after the fact I did the crime and have to go through the fear of getting caught.

    Maybe its my subconscious trying to keep me scared straight to warn me not to do something serious. Of it could be because I often think "well, my life sucks but at least i'm not in prison"

    You're a satanist who sacrifices animals.
  5. #5
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Yeah or I get the money and the pussay and the airplane and then I wake up
  6. #6
    Needledick Needledick Needledick motherfucker [mulishly down your brachydactylia]
    *bump* 🖕
  7. #7
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yes murder. I dream of death a lot.
  8. #8
    Needledick Needledick Needledick motherfucker [mulishly down your brachydactylia]
  9. #9
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Needledick Needledick Needledick edgelord…

    I wish i was being edgy.
  10. #10
    HTS highlight reel
    I've had a "bodies in the crawlspace" dream at least once. I woke up smelling corpses. I felt like I could still smell the meat. Between the fear of being caught and those smells, it was not a fun night. Interesting experience though I guess.
  11. #11
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by HTS I've had a "bodies in the crawlspace" dream at least once. I woke up smelling corpses. I felt like I could still smell the meat. Between the fear of being caught and those smells, it was not a fun night. Interesting experience though I guess.

    Well if you hadn't put the bodies in the crawlspace someone else had and that thought is more terrifying than any cop or life sentence could ever be. And jesus, you've told this before but waking up and smelling the bodies still, would have freaked me right the fuck out.
  12. #12
    HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Sophie And jesus, you've told this before but waking up and smelling the bodies still, would have freaked me right the fuck out.

    Legit made me question reality. Ha ha maybe I'm a serial killer serving time in a VR holo-prison.
  13. #13
    Siouxsie_Q African Astronaut
    I had a dream (a nightmare actually) that while backing up my car, I had hit a person and yet I wasn't ever really sure if I had hit someone or a trashcan and I kept driving on, debating whether or not to go check, and I knew that it was considered a hit and run and if I didn't go back, I'd go to prison. Or the fear of going to jail even if I returned kept me driving on....and driving ...and looking for a place to hide the car! It was awful!
  14. #14
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    a few times actually

    weird because I very rarely remember my dreams
  15. #15
    Originally posted by Sophie I dream of death a lot.

    Me too

    I dream that I get killed, then wake up pissed off

    So far I've been sucked into a tornado twice, burned alive, hanged, suffocated, hit by a car, and stabbed, shot, or killed in a motorcycle accident more times than I can count
  16. #16
    WellHung Black Hole
    Between 25 and 50% of the time...
  17. #17
    No never.
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