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physical shitposting

  1. #1
    i was bored overnight and my dad gave me 2 dollars so i walked around the streets at around 3a.m. going to different stores lying to the store managers that im old enough to buy beer and tryna trick them with my id but it didnt work. so then i realized at night nobody's around so i went on some properties threw shit around tried to steal things broke cameras. i was about to throw a rock through a random car window and i had it in my hand but i pussied out, and it was on my own street so i couldn't risk being heard. basically if you want an adrenaline rush prowl around in the middle of night and rek everything like you're in GTA. i've just started doing this and i don't know if i'm man enough to continue. if i had other people to do it with it would be more fun/less risky. i also need to have a weapon.
  2. #2
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Have you tried plugging up random toilets yet?
  3. #3
    bling bling Dark Matter
  4. #4
    How old are you man?. You should be able to take your pocket change and go buy a brew and enjoy it.. Maybe it would have chilled you out and you could go home and not be wild.

    I dunno man, what you describe is pretty similar to how I acted on lots of meth/coming off meth. I would only leave the house at 4am to go to 7-11 and I'd walk around with a loaded meth pipe in my pocket (melt a bunch to the bowl and you have about 10 good hits outside)

    YOu don't need a weapon, I live in a bad neighborhood and I walk around with $1000 in my pocket and some drunk native guy comes up to me in a dark alley and says "HEY!!!, MERRY CHRISTMAS YA FUCKING GOOF!!!".

    I think your life will be much better if you have money.

    You can get a shitty lil mind numbing job stocking shelves at a grocery store or something easy man. Once you do that everyone (parents) will get off your back and respect you for working. If you are good at manipulating people and mindfucking you would do great in the workforce, I use my sociopathic tendecies to climb the social ladder and worm my way into a better paying position.

    But if you have money man you can order all kinds of powders and derpadew drugs, you can smoke weed or drink or try MDMA or LSD, ketamine (ITS LIKE bundy WITHOUT ANY BAD EFFECTS!!) you would LOVE ketamine man. Set some goals and work towards them. I have been working since I was about 15 and I stopped going to school because I realized it was a massive waste of time and I could educate myself better in factories and warehouses. You learn so much more in the capitalist world than you do at school.

    In school you get a bad grade, so what?, who cares?. You could drop out and it doesn't really affect your survival, just your social standing in industrialized society. At work if you fuck up or piss off a customer it's not so easily forgotten, sometimes your mistakes can cost real money and you can make people angry or ruin their day, make enemies. Even the most mind numbing bullshit is worth it when you are young.

    If you want to force trick your brain into liking work just start smoking or taking amphetamine at work.

    Post last edited by SCronaldo_J_Trump at 2016-12-24T14:26:22.320563+00:00
  5. #5
    i relapsed on bundy because i couldn't buy beer. i wanted to just get drunk but then i got cucked, so i decided i had to lose 48hours of my life dissociating and being too fucked up to recognize my mom's face. then i got drunk with my uncle and stole 20 beers from my neighbors so it might be a few good days. i kind of want to destroy more shit over night just to see how much i can get away with, but also i'm worried about getting myself arrested/killed.
  6. #6
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by the holy ghost i relapsed on bundy because i couldn't buy beer. i wanted to just get drunk but then i got cucked, so i decided i had to lose 48hours of my life dissociating and being too fucked up to recognize my mom's face. then i got drunk with my uncle and stole 20 beers from my neighbors so it might be a few good days. i kind of want to destroy more shit over night just to see how much i can get away with, but also i'm worried about getting myself arrested/killed.

    how did you get cucked? by being an idiot? oh okKKKY
  7. #7
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    How did you steal 20 beers from your neighbor.
  8. #8
    christmas stock
  9. #9
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    You just snuck into their house?
  10. #10
  11. #11
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  12. #12
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I did this when i was 15.
  13. #13
    Originally posted by Sophie I did this when i was 15.

    this inspired me to do greater things
  14. #14
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by the holy ghost this inspired me to do greater things

    Get a knife and slash the tires of the cars on an entire street for the lulz. Then jack off into a condom and put them in children's playgrounds. Also needles, lots of needles. Bury them in sandboxes and shit. Also buy a couple of big ass smoke bombs, place them in certain spots around town, rig a timing mechanism to set them all off at the same time. Then get the biggest speakers/ sub-woofers you can and blast an air raid horn through them as the smoke bombs go off.
  15. #15
    Originally posted by Sophie Get a knife and slash the tires of the cars on an entire street for the lulz. Then jack off into a condom and put them in children's playgrounds. Also needles, lots of needles. Bury them in sandboxes and shit. Also buy a couple of big ass smoke bombs, place them in certain spots around town, rig a timing mechanism to set them all off at the same time. Then get the biggest speakers/ sub-woofers you can and blast an air raid horn through them as the smoke bombs go off.

    have you done all of these things? your post just inspired me to rek a random car window so i did. i did jack off on some 2nd graders sweatshirt one time tho. i tried to inject adderall but i dont get it anymore and back then i was <18
  16. #16
    bling bling Dark Matter
    steal wireing from lamposts useing a radiator key
  17. #17
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by the holy ghost have you done all of these things?

    Lol no because i care about children. I did slash some tires ones and the smoke bomb air raid siren thing has been an idea of mine for a long time to cause some havoc.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. #18
    bling bling Dark Matter
    use a custonm fog machine
  19. #19
    burn a house down.
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