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Oh, Not just Chicago?? WUO

  1. #1
    Mud Hole Mania African Astronaut
    I didn't even know these facts till I clicked on this old news report.

    From Fox News (I suppose "Fake news?)?

    1970- SFPD One officer killed in San Francisco
    1970- NYPD 7 hurt at a PD station
    1970- NYC- 3 people killed (I learned about this one recently because the actor Dustin Hoffman was injured when his apartment was blown to pieces and there is a photo of him retrieving a painting or art work)
    1971-72- Capital and Pentagon attacked (Now that's got to be the most interesting one to date)
    1970 and of course the 2 police and 1 armor guard murdered in 1970 in Chicago

    Isn't it weird Bill Clinton had Obama pardon someone for murder from a radicalist group like the Weather Underground?

    there is now no doubt (That I had before) that people who always spoke in favor regarding the WUO on totse may have had some weird ties with it.

    maybe this is just lose-canon opinions and all but Bush family are Neo-Cons (most likely leftist such as Bush Sr was for removing Kennedy, though Kennedy was a democrat he was very outspoken about his dislikes for secret groups and communism) and Dick Cheney doesn't lean any direction but his LGBT daughter worked for AOL which Jeff Hunter's profiles had some ties with?

    Now No, I am not saying "Jeff Hunter did 9/11"

    no, what I am saying is the people connection with WUO were members and that the family member of Osama Bin Laden had wrote checks to fund Muhammis Atta and friends with staying in San Diego

    now these people have investment ties not just in Oil production out of Saudi Arabia but they have investment portfolio stocks in Tech. big time. and Lockhead and Boeing and all of them MIC that President Eisenhower had warned us about have mannagement groups ties in with the then Vice President and Bush family and Enron (which all the damaging case files were locked away in both WTC7 and the very section-wing of the Pentagon destroyed and nowhere else. Enron infromation JUST HAPPEN TO BE WERE TWO AREAS WERE COMPLETELY DESTROY.. ONE NOT EVEN HIT BY A PLANE

    No Cloud-fare in the day. no backups.

    And don't stop there with the politics.

    CDC's very own Beto O'Roarke wanting to hire Harper Reed's boss to run his campaign stratigy

    it's so weird how 330 million people in the US alone and heads of nations all know one another. just a few dozen people all just happen to be linked out of nearly 7.6 Billion people in the world.
  2. #2
    Mud Hole Mania African Astronaut
    this hella skitzo hurrrrr wutttttt skitzo hurrrrrr

  3. #3
    Ghost Black Hole
    I'm not saying Jeff Hunter did 9/11 but he was totally connected to Osama Bin Laden in 2001
  4. #4
    Mud Hole Mania African Astronaut
    Robert with Dustin

    Robert about the group that did Dustin's apartment

  5. #5
    Mud Hole Mania African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost I'm not saying Jeff Hunter did 9/11 but he was totally connected to Osama Bin Laden in 2001

    How so. or are you just being crass and snarky?
  6. #6
    Erekshun Naturally Camouflaged
    9/11 called and asked if we would just let it RIP.
  7. #7
    Mud Hole Mania African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Erekshun 9/11 called and asked if we would just let it RIP.

    It's a war on class and turning that working class on each other. it's a false flag trying to turn everything upside down. Not jedis but Faux jedis and the SoS aka Synagogue of Satan

  8. #8
    Mud Hole Mania African Astronaut
    People always saw me as different. "You think to much" ever since I was a kid.

    people who can't answer question of curiosity will sometimes get angry and turn on you.

    Wish I could grow my hair out like when I was 13/14
  9. #9
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
  10. #10
    Mud Hole Mania African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker 2mucht2k

    My hair length?
  11. #11
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Mud Hole Mania My hair length?

  12. #12
    Mud Hole Mania African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker ^meds
    ^Ferret, Hospital, Doctor was a teen friend and an embarrassment re: me and to her that I was in a bad way that day.. and Ferret from Yahoo..knew the line "Stop or I will also push you out a window" because she was a Nurse there. that is when the "game" started for this chapter. shit never stops.


    I'm rubber you're glue, your words bounce off me and stick to you

    Ferret didn't like me singing this on Yahoo chat while drunk as shit
  13. #13
    Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    ^more meds
  14. #14
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Right then.

    Now we're concerned and need to do endoscope with Mr Alien Whale

    bend over, Mr Alien Whale wants to endoscopies your bum

    OP's best post
  15. #15
    Originally posted by Mud Hole Mania It's a war on class and turning that working class on each other. it's a false flag trying to turn everything upside down. Not jedis but Faux jedis and the SoS aka Synagogue of Satan

    This is true, but nearly two decades too late
  16. #16
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    I love a good day out in Chicago. I just wear my bullet proof vest, and a military grade helmet, and, chances are, I'll be OK.👍❤
  17. #17
    Mud Hole Mania African Astronaut
    Originally posted by JĎ…icebox This is true, but nearly two decades too late

    2 decades or was 2 decades the start of it?

    it's not going to happen in a moments time (except the return of Christ part) the things that happen up till that moment may take a generation or more.

    I'm waiting to watch that Dome on the Rock get bashed down by either a wrecking ball or a missile. maybe one with a CIA stamp on the inside claiming it came from the side of the wall the muslims are on. Apparently it's on the border? not sure where it's located yet muslims on one side, jedis on the other and perhaps Christians in between or on both sides making their pilgrimage .
    I haven't made my trip there just yet. can't afford it right now.

    Tel Aviv is like Vegas now from what I understand. they whored modern day "israel" to become the Vegas of the Middle East. fuck sakes.
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