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Hey candyrein
2019-07-17 at 11:30 PM UTCIs a nigger
2019-07-18 at 12:03 AM UTC
2019-07-18 at 12:08 AM UTC
2019-07-18 at 12:09 AM UTCI was gonnaxsay that 3 min ago but figured it didnt really ma%er
2019-07-18 at 12:12 AM UTC
2019-07-18 at 12:14 AM UTC
Originally posted by blaster master See, this is part of the GGG troll I never understand. Maybe it's over my head, but aren't you woke and shit? Doesn't calling someone the n word with a hard r contradict all that?
I'm super duper woke but this really has nothing to do with racism, and more to do with the fact that it bothers candyrein. I also shit on white people because it bothers the actual racists on this forum.
I have no problem with any race. -
2019-07-18 at 12:14 AM UTC
2019-07-18 at 12:15 AM UTC
2019-07-18 at 12:16 AM UTC
2019-07-18 at 12:17 AM UTC
2019-07-18 at 12:17 AM UTC
2019-07-18 at 12:28 AM UTC
Originally posted by blaster master So what you are saying is two mutually exclusive things. People who "have no problem with any race" don't say the N word with a hard R.
I do. Maybe you feel differently, but I feel the more restrictive you are on using these words, the more power they have. Rarely irl I'll call someone a nigger but it has no racial association to it. Anyone of any race can be a nigger.
I don't cry like a bitch when people make fun of me for being Mexican on here. I just call them a nigger or whitey and get on with my day. You're on a site called niggasin.space. If it was niggersin.space, would it then be racist? Does a different spelling matter that fucking much? If I used 'nigga' would that be 100% fine in your eyes? -
2019-07-18 at 12:29 AM UTC
2019-07-19 at 6:51 PM UTC
2019-07-19 at 6:53 PM UTC