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the older i get the more i like electronic music

  1. #1
    boomers are just faggots who couldn't handle listening to cool noises composed in a manner that is futuristic and far advanced compared to their "intruments" they played which were basically these primitive objects they made out of tree branches and leftover pieces of string from the floor of the room where they sewed all their clothes by hand, so they need to say things constantly like "HO HO HO BACK IN MY GENERATION WE HAD REAL MUSIC" no you didn't bitch that's why all you faggots listened to the grateful dead and smoked shitty weed and got HPPD
  2. #2
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    check out some autechre, this album is later in their career but way more trippy than anything else

    that one you played a few weeks ago with the ree sounds was pretty good but i forgot the name
  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    but in places in Europe in the 80's electronic music got really popular then bands like the jesus and mary chain started playing more guitar rock and now its going back its the ebb and flow

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