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28 (sober) days later...

  1. #1
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    I just did four full weeks of the sober life.

    My ultimate goal was not simply being sober all that time (although I did achieve that), but rather scratching a bunch of things off the old TODO list, and staying sober has helped me achieve said goal.

    Not only that, but the whole thing gave me a whole lot of fresh perspective.

    For one thing, I now know how toxic/detrimental my recent living conditions were against any kind of positive and beneficial growth.

    This last month, I've been holed up at my mom's house two towns over, and have been blessed with all kinds of serenity and peace from the homeless hordes and their sketchy scandalous ways.

    I got a fuck ton done during this time... made serious strides towards some longstanding, often stagnant, life goals. And four days weeks of sobriety has giving me some life-changing perspective.

    In the interest of full disclosure: I'm sippin' a lil' sumthin' right now, ngl... tbh...

    But I planned this weeks ago so it's all good.

    I've been wandering around my old stomping grounds tonight, absorbing the nostalgia and just enjoying the change of venue.

    Moral of the story... If you ever feel like life isn't quite treating you right, change things up. It's a miracle panacea for whatever ails ya. Trust me on that.
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  2. #2
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Ok, not gonna lie, the ellipsis word enhancement is kind of annoying.

    I generally don't mind them, but caps locked letters and repeated punctuation is kinda cringe.
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  3. #3
    Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    hey zooks, glad you're happy. i'm not a fan of change but am going to have to make a hard choice, the sooner seems better. but i waver.
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  4. #4
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Nil hey zooks, glad you're happy. i'm not a fan of change but am going to have to make a hard choice, the sooner seems better. but i waver.

    Elaborate mang...

    I'm by no means in a position to prescribe any specific life advice, but I do like to offer up some general, one-size-(might)-fit-all nuggets of wisdom.
  5. #5
    I quit drinking for two weeks, four if you count being in the psych ward

    I'm back to drinking again but I got this little safe with a time lock on it, so I just buy a reasonable amount of alcohol on the way home, then throw my wallet in there once I start drinking
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  6. #6
    Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Originally posted by gadzooks Elaborate mang…

    well i've been trying to take care of my dad for the last 3 years but it's proving to be too much. but i don't know what to do it's just i don't want 10 years to pass like these last 3 and wonder where my life went
  7. #7
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Jυicebox I quit drinking for two weeks, four if you count being in the psych ward

    I'm back to drinking again but I got this little safe with a time lock on it, so I just buy a reasonable amount of alcohol on the way home, then throw my wallet in there once I start drinking

    That's some Nobel-prize tier shit.

    I've actually thought of getting a safe for this exact same purpose, but I didn't even think of also locking my money up too (just the drugs).

    That was moreso back in my opiate and benzodiazepine days.,. When I was hitting that opiate/benzodiazepine/liquor trifecta, such extreme measures were necessary.

    But I definitely know that need for such measures all to well. If it works for you, keep at it.

    Tonight is my first night back on the drink this whole month, so it's an experiment... But I have a certain level of confidence and well being right now that I'd have otherwise not reached had I not made some some large scale life changes recently.

    Whatever the case, good luck to you. I've always liked you. In one way or another, you've always kinda reminded me of myself.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. #8
    damn, good job
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  9. #9
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Nil well i've been trying to take care of my dad for the last 3 years but it's proving to be too much. but i don't know what to do it's just i don't want 10 years to pass like these last 3 and wonder where my life went

    That's a pretty tough situation. Family is important, and, even though I would describe my relationship with my own parents as strained/complicated, I'd still feel a certain obligation to take care of them if there was no one else to do so.

    But you do deserve "you time".

    If it ever gets to be seemingly insurmountable, take a vacation before you totally lose it. Like, even message me on here or some other way (I'll PM you my email address at least), and we'll figure something out.

    You're only a hop, skip, and a jump from my neck of the woods (well.. Like a 12 hour drive or something like that.,. Still a neighbour of sorts).
  10. #10
    Originally posted by gadzooks That's some Nobel-prize tier shit.

    I've actually thought of getting a safe for this exact same purpose, but I didn't even think of also locking my money up too (just the drugs).

    That was moreso back in my opiate and benzodiazepine days.,. When I was hitting that opiate/benzodiazepine/liquor trifecta, such extreme measures were necessary.

    But I definitely know that need for such measures all to well. If it works for you, keep at it.

    Tonight is my first night back on the drink this whole month, so it's an experiment… But I have a certain level of confidence and well being right now that I'd have otherwise not reached had I not made some some large scale life changes recently.

    Whatever the case, good luck to you. I've always liked you. In one way or another, you've always kinda reminded me of myself.

    Nice. My mindset didn't change at all when I was not drinking, if anything it got worse

    But now that I'm drinking, but not overdoing it, seems to be better than it was

    It's certainly helping my finances. I nearly bankrupted myself being out of work two weeks after I'd just spent almost 3k on stuff I really didn't need

    My problem was, I'd get drunk and buy a bunch of dumb shit off the internet
  11. #11
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Jυicebox Nice. My mindset didn't change at all when I was not drinking, if anything it got worse

    But now that I'm drinking, but not overdoing it, seems to be better than it was

    It's certainly helping my finances. I nearly bankrupted myself being out of work two weeks after I'd just spent almost 3k on stuff I really didn't need

    My problem was, I'd get drunk and buy a bunch of dumb shit off the internet

    When I said you always remind me of myself... Add one more to the mix...

    Yeah I have a serious issue when it comes to managing money. Not too long ago, I was drunk and went on Amazon and bought an Epson salt / massaging foot bath (which I have yet to even use), and a bunch of totally unnecessary supplements the next paycheck (which I have yet to take).

    And I'm not even counting when I spend a fortune on liquor or drugs when I could just as easily pass the fuck out.
  12. #12
    Needledick Needledick Needledick motherfucker [mulishly down your brachydactylia]
    Probation is helping me exercise & strengthen willpower and self control 💪.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. #13
    Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Originally posted by gadzooks That's a pretty tough situation. Family is important, and, even though I would describe my relationship with my own parents as strained/complicated, I'd still feel a certain obligation to take care of them if there was no one else to do so.

    I have 2 sisters, one is pretty unstable and i have a hard time keeping in touch with her. the other one doesn't help either and when i did attempt to get some help in 2017 fucked me over massively. So yea not much help.

    But you do deserve "you time".
    If it ever gets to be seemingly insurmountable, take a vacation before you totally lose it. Like, even message me on here or some other way (I'll PM you my email address at least), and we'll figure something out.

    I've been trying to convince the old man to go to one of my sisters for 2 weeksish because i'm losing my mind over here. it's like pulling teeth. i dunno why. starting to resent him and i hate it.

    You're only a hop, skip, and a jump from my neck of the woods (well.. Like a 12 hour drive or something like that.,. Still a neighbour of sorts).

    I'll keep it in mind, last and only time i was in bc was in 2015, vancouver. Flew in to see bolt thrower. It was nice but it feels like a fucking decade ago. the ocean, the coast. ahh.
  14. #14
    Ghost Black Hole
    you can do eeeet
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  15. #15
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    gadzooks ur really nice.
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  16. #16
    Siouxsie_Q African Astronaut
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. #17
    Technologist victim of incest
    Good job Gad❤️
    Miss you, but can understand why you’re working on yourself. Keep up the good work. You’ll find your own inner peace! Good luck dude.
  18. #18
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    I don't mean to be a Negative Nancy... but I think that gadzooks' biggest mistake was starting drinking again. 4 weeks of sobriety is great and all but if now you start drinking again with any type of regularity that'll go by the wayside and lose meaning real quick. Hope I'm wrong.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. #19
    My mental health is noticeably better when I drink, but much worse when I drink too much

    So it seems that that safe was the perfect solution in my case
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. #20
    Originally posted by gadzooks That's some Nobel-prize tier shit.

    I've actually thought of getting a safe for this exact same purpose, but I didn't even think of also locking my money up too (just the drugs).

    That was moreso back in my opiate and benzodiazepine days.,. When I was hitting that opiate/benzodiazepine/liquor trifecta, such extreme measures were necessary.

    But I definitely know that need for such measures all to well. If it works for you, keep at it.

    Tonight is my first night back on the drink this whole month, so it's an experiment… But I have a certain level of confidence and well being right now that I'd have otherwise not reached had I not made some some large scale life changes recently.

    Whatever the case, good luck to you. I've always liked you. In one way or another, you've always kinda reminded me of myself.

    This is the one I got, in case you find yourself in need of one

    Be aware though, it's smaller than it looks. My Stylo 4 doesn't fit in it. It's big enough for my wallet, drugs, and keys, but not much else
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