I need more experience in the industry and more money backing me. I've been talking to the gonts and my parents about it and I have to get my head straight, my parents helped me out last month but that won't always happen. I get headaches from time to time. I'm wrinkled in obscurity so there is no other way for me to succeed so it has to be done. I'm totally willing to put in the footwork as I do everyday but it cost a lot of money.
I actually got a second job today and the gont was impressed where I'm working now and instantly hired me and said he will work around my schedule at the good place If I will work with him.
A lot of biz owners are fucking crazy and a lot fail bigly but If you never know then you won't go. I've cut back drinking so I at least appear some what normal and not a sweaty hott mess all the time. I got a job at fine dining place I have to do homework for it, but I honestly rather sell pizza / krolodogs. I know people in my hood that I've talked to about this but this that are professionals and even they aren't up to doing something like that. My buddy cooked for Matthew McConaughey's mothers breakfast. He's a total promo, he's got his shit on point I respect that but its because he has a sound mind and does it consistently and I know that I can do that.
A lot of small biz owners here have been at it for years. It kinda sucks that you have to be old and grizzled to finally make it but its better than what you're doing. I don't have "friends" per se.. but I talk to a lot of gonts in my hood that I've worked with and that are in the industry and I have a lot better understanding about it, It's an uphill battle for sure, money isn't everything but having street cred and integrity and wanting to do the right thing goes a long way. And I've completely accepted that this might not work for me but there are other things to do.