i went to this hood here in warsaw it is called praga north or północna praga. The way I discovered it was that about a year ago iw ent to this tour groupc alled free tour of warsaw or something called alternative warsaw. they went to praga. the previous day i went to the oldtown tour and they recommended to check the alternative one out so I did. at one point they went into the fuking hood lol but it was mid day. the aldy running it at the time said this is the single worse street in warsaw and asked the geoup do you guys know what way or what crimes are most common here? she fuking said murder. i didnt really beleive it at first but as soon as we went into this bazaar called rużelckiego or something these dudes were aksing if we had passports for sale offer was 150 bucks or 500 zloty. then they tripped out on this one dude who was like dutch or german or something who took their pic as they were chilling on the corner and followed us. they made him erase the pic of them. later iw ent in there alone. but i to the hood of the hood. the main street is not that bad but when you go inside the courtyards its where you see the real pollaxk polalcks. there is this single hood on this Brzeska street across from a half demolished or dilated building you can tell is fuking crazy.
There are people outside all over the place and in the way back heads just standing and talking. so i went in and saw this grafitti on the side wall right away that says ghetto praga or getto praga with pdw or pozdrowienia z więzienia polish gangster slang meaning salute from jail. or welcome to jail. and I have pictures I will dig them up. but i walked in there filming with an ipad and these guys as i wlaked by threatened me but ahd the ipad low to look indognito. late ri drank beers inside and this guy who was ina. car just hanging with another guy csme out and started wuesitoning me. theya re super paranoid there. he tried tog et other people arlund to come at me and threatened to throw me in the garbage outside. i did the abdkward shuffle lol and he only followed to the gate. oh and get this, another time i went there there was this dude guarding the gate with fuking dogs like pitbulls and this one time a kid on the bike as i wlaked by not even tried to go in just went across brzeska said we got nothing right now.
i truly felt like going into an all black neighborhood in LA. but they were even more paranoid or suspicious than blacks. But Pollacks are like thwt they are super suspicious and hang out in tight groups.
Originally posted by Ghost
Did they sell dope there
probably dope and everything else. Just go to google maps and look up Brzeska Warsaw Poland nuff said. and keep going depe inside where tou see a dilapated building. and across from it.