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Paul Hackett

  1. #1
    toz African Astronaut
    1980 film Afterhours

    Best Dark-Comedy about Proto-Hipsters aka "Yuppies"

    "I'll probably get blamed for this"

    "Surrender Dorothy"

    "MOhawk this guy"

    Worth renting or watching if Netflix has it.
  2. #2
    Thotgirl African Astronaut
  3. #3
    toz African Astronaut
    U damn rite 'K'
  4. #4
    Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    griffin dunne's sister was killed in real life. good movie you mentioned as well.
  5. #5
    toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dregs griffin dunne's sister was killed in real life. good movie you mentioned as well.

    Yeah I heard about that. Like 2-3 years ago? really sad. Or did she die just before this film? so many people from that generation dying. The actors who play the parents on Home Alone died like a year apart. and they're in this film. They play Thomas and Gail. but I don't think they interact in any scenes.
  6. #6
    Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    over 35 yrs ago at 22 but you were so close...she was murdered.
  7. #7
    toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dregs over 35 yrs ago at 22 but you were so close…she was murdered.

    yeah, it's sad. She had something to do with this project that they brought to Tim Burton first and then Martin came along and respectfully asked to do it. Tim burton humbly handed the directing over to Mr Scorsese (in an interview I saw he said something like "Who would tell Martin Scorsese no?"

    then it turned out that the first 20 minutes was "inspired' from a radio talk show host out in Chicago? I can't remember the names now. I used to know all of this shit but memory is the shits these days.

    just seemed really strange when I hear the things in the film and it's pretty much word for word with the story teller/radio personality.

    Curious where he got the story or inspiration from.

    dude got bank from Scorsese while Scorsese had no clue it was bumped
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