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where to find girls who idolize columbine shooters

  1. #41
    toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist i meant natural born killers wasn't the movie i was trying to think of, it was god bless america.


    what movie was that and when was it made?

    you guys want to see a kick ass movie? Watch Robert DeNiro in Once Upon a Time in America

    it's about the 1920s NYC and these teens form their own jedi Mafia to compete with the Italians and Irish Mafia and they take over the neighborhood. then the movie Jumps to their Mid 30-40s age and it's played by Robert DiNero and a bunch of other famous actors. Including Elizabeth Montgomery (Very cute lady in the 80s-90s)

    The thing is it's one of the longest films made. Like 4 hours and some change. the first 2 hours is them as kids and then the last 2 hours is them as adults. it's like watching a 2 parter in one sitting.
  2. #42
    toz African Astronaut
    Correction..Elizabeth McGovern.. my bad

    Jennifer Connelly plays the girl part that Elizabeth later plays as an older version of the character.
  3. #43
    Thotgirl African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Lol my first gf told me she was in love with Timothy McVeigh. Gorls love a bad boy.

    Yup atleast their idolizing dead bad boys I learned the hard way..
  4. #44
    toz African Astronaut
    DeNiro, Pecsi, James Wood, Danny Aliao, William Forthyser
  5. #45
    toz African Astronaut
    Robert De Niro as Noodles
    Scott Tiler as Young Noodles
    James Woods as Max
    Rusty Jacobs as Young Max/David Bailey
    Elizabeth McGovern as Deborah
    Jennifer Connelly as Young Deborah
    Treat Williams as Jimmy O'Donnell
    Tuesday Weld as Carol
    Burt Young as Joe
    Joe Pesci as Frankie
    Danny Aiello as Police Chief Aiello
    William Forsythe as Cockeye
    Adrian Curran as Young Cockeye
    James Hayden as Patsy
    Brian Bloom as Young Patsy
    Darlanne Fluegel as Eve
    Larry Rapp as Fat Moe
    Mike Monetti as Young Fat Moe
    Richard Bright as Chicken Joe
    Amy Ryder as Peggy
    Julie Cohen as Young Peggy
    Olga Karlatos as Woman in the Puppet Theatre
    Noah Moazezi as Dominic
    James Russo as Bugsy
  6. #46
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by toz what movie was that and when was it made?

    you guys want to see a kick ass movie? Watch Robert DeNiro in Once Upon a Time in America

    it's about the 1920s NYC and these teens form their own jedi Mafia to compete with the Italians and Irish Mafia and they take over the neighborhood. then the movie Jumps to their Mid 30-40s age and it's played by Robert DiNero and a bunch of other famous actors. Including Elizabeth Montgomery (Very cute lady in the 80s-90s)

    The thing is it's one of the longest films made. Like 4 hours and some change. the first 2 hours is them as kids and then the last 2 hours is them as adults. it's like watching a 2 parter in one sitting.

    i think you'll find just about everyones seen it. his pal goes to jail for killing the cop, then he gets out when they're grown up again. but he's a bit nutty and resentful about it tho. its a bit silly really coz he definitely would have got hanged for that in those days.

  7. #47
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by toz DeNiro, Pecsi, James Wood, Danny Aliao, William Forthyser

    yeah james woods, he was pretty badass in it

  8. #48
    toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist i think you'll find just about everyones seen it. his pal goes to jail for killing the cop, then he gets out when they're grown up again. but he's a bit nutty and resentful about it tho. its a bit silly really coz he definitely would have got hanged for that in those days.


    I wasn't sure how old everyone was. I say thing I feel are obvious/must see (because they're classics) to guys like ACP and he just deer eyes in the headlights at me about not knowing what the movie was. Not all MOON PERSONs have seen these films.
  9. #49
    toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist i think you'll find just about everyones seen it. his pal goes to jail for killing the cop, then he gets out when they're grown up again. but he's a bit nutty and resentful about it tho. its a bit silly really coz he definitely would have got hanged for that in those days.


    Also "Racing the Moon"

    Nicholas Cage and Sean Penn with Elizabeth McGovern-- Probably one of their best rolls ever. Nicholas can actually act and not put on his normal silly Mono-Tone that everyone loves him for. He was really good in this as was Sean and Elizabeth. But he still is fun to watch. Mr Nicholas Cage and Sean Penn and Elizabeth and James Wood should all be NIS members secretly.

    A must see as OUTiA is

    DeNiro would probably think this was a White Nationalist Site.. oh wait.. still most of us are not.

    Peci.. I'm not so sure. first day in and people start showing up MIA from being trollatude
  10. #50
    toz African Astronaut
    Though this is my favorite Sean Penn film (serious role though Fast Times at Ridgemont High with a small scene with Nicholas Cage (casted as Nick Coppola)

    His brother Chris is in it as well; as is Christopher Walkins

  11. #51
    toz African Astronaut
    Once little boys grew up to be reliable and hard working.."

    LOL like a Made for TV film (which it's not)
    Saw this at the drive in with friends. Says 1983 but I'm pretty sure it was 82. could be wrong. Maybe it did come out after Fast Times because I recall talking about how Specoli was all serious and us laughing.. maybe that was years later when we rented it on VHS

    Drive in as teens before I owned a car. hopping the fence or coming in through the back lot and sitting by the projector shack like broke ass boys we were. course we had broke ass girls with us too. (calling me a liar? dem fighten words)

  12. #52
    toz African Astronaut
    Got damn it.. I didn't realize the trailers were shit back then. it really did an unjustice for the films that were much better quality of editing.

    Trailers today are decent. Even the trailers for grindhouse in the 1960s were better than the 1980s ones. biker film trailers and Russ Myer film trailers are hilarious.

    I vaguely remember the guy with the deep voice who did just about every film trailer from the 80s into the 90s. Wonder if he died and they just changed out the film trailer styles because of it.
    Hal Douglas
    Don LaFontain (Hal may have borrowed Don's style)
  13. #53
    toz African Astronaut
    yeah sorry.. topic derailed.

    Infinityshock take it from here
  14. #54
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    oh totsey you are a funny one at times lol

  15. #55
    filtration African Astronaut
    This post has been edited by a bot I made to preserve my privacy.
  16. #56
    toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by filtration Dylan was a kike, did you see the size of his nose? Proper hooknose juden.

    shut the fuck up with the jedi blame game.

    it's just a trigger of the trollers these days
  17. #57
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by toz shut the fuck up with the jedi blame game.

    it's just a trigger of the trollers these days

    the thing is what a bunch of these gonts don't understand is that jedis aren't actually as insidious as you'd think their being used as pawns by people even higher than that, even by satan himself. To just blame everything on the jedis is ridiculous. Sure theres somethings like how they own the entertainment industry.

    I used to think that wouldn't it be great to be a rich fat jedi, but in reality those people are people to not look down on but to feel sorry for because they've never experienced a hard days work in their lives. I'm a christian and theres something to be said to struggle at something and then succeed by the work of your own hands like a real blue collar. All these attorneys and cock sucking doctors and diamond sellers... you gotta ask are they really fulfilled at the end of they day? Did create something?

    I have disrespected my parents in so many ways and now being an older gont I feel ashamed, but they still love me because they love god and they know all god wants is you to have LOGOS, to do a good job, do the right thing as much as you can and love your family.

    I know it sounds trite but money can't by you happiness, even millionaires get screwed over by the friends, family, and lovers and their left empty. Just look at what happened to Dane Cook, his brother stole millions from him and fucked his wife and now he's all fat and decrip looking like he's 1990's (((Kramer))

    This is why I want to work with my parents with the spice and tomatoe ranch, my mom has the knowledge and my dad bought the land and built the house because he's an engineer. This is why I don't believe in atheism, like all of these atheist stand for nothing but think their superior. They think that "oh little baby Bill Krozby was born because 2 people fucked and now they sit in a room watching NCSI begrudging each other"

    When in reality they had me and my mother stayed at home to watch my little brother and I because she didn't need more than that, she didn't need a career, my dad had the career and was the one to come home pissed off about dealing with AMD's cooperate whore asshole world, thats disgusting humanity, but he'll make the money if she takes care of my lil bromo and I and she takes care of the house and when she has free time she can enjoy herself paint laguna gloria, beautiful young naked women and cooking delicious food for her boys.

    I can't believe I acted so shitty to them at times, but there was a discord. My mother would always tell me growing up in anger "you always wanted to do things your way" and I have other women in my life tell me that as well. But in a way, What other way is there but mine, but there is another way but only if that significant other can meet you halfway. My dad didn't really have hobbies, but he was content after working so hard, to just have a couple brews, or a couple sodas if he wasn't drinking and watch the news. I get it why he was so serious, but he had LOGOS. He made a playground for the kids at his church, thats a good person.

    And when you get ignorant people like Risir doxxing my family over and over calling my father "larry the jedi" as if that means something to me shows that he just misses his father. My dad hates libtards and taught me how to read and write because he knew that public school isn't for everyone and especially with the way its ran.

    Tomorrow I'm going to tell my Dad I love him because I do. But to always blame always blame things on the jedis is very short sighted.
  18. #58
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    yeah but anyways has some weird lil edgelord sluts on there.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. #59
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby yeah but anyways has some weird lil edgelord sluts on there.

    lol that place seems perfect for finding people who are nuts
  20. #60
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III lol that place seems perfect for finding people who are nuts

    exactly when the cops took me forcibly to the downtown looney bin for overuse of tek, some kid who was my bitch told me about the sight and girls he knew to hit up. It's really of bunch of wannabe satanist / nazi chickens who hate their dad. I'm on there and I get profile views and a few messages but I haven't really fucked with it much and I'm not sure if you have to pay after awhile. It might be worth a shot and if you do have to pay i'm sure its obscure enough to where its cheap.

    I've just wanted to pay for a dating sight lol. I might just get back on there because I'm lonesome too.

    oh it says 100% free, sweet..
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