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Being a sjw

  1. #21
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Merlin Those people can often be heard uttering the phrase "I'm not racist, but…"

    Sure. I'm really wondering about those who don't utter that, those who genuinely aren't offended by races other than their own. Why do some hate niggers and some have an indifference? Why are there prison counselors who work their whole lives advising people who will never again see the light of the day? Strange world we live in m8. Strange world.
  2. #22
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  3. #23
    Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by HampTheToker Have your friends spread that on FB by pretending to be offended by it.

    Heh I have neither friends nor facebook. That's a good tactic though. Even still it's a huge liability, publicly I wouldn't touch an image like that with a 10 foot pole. Way too easy for it turn into a witch hunt.
  4. #24
    Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by mmQ Sure. I'm really wondering about those who don't utter that, those who genuinely aren't offended by races other than their own. Why do some hate niggers and some have an indifference? Why are there prison counselors who work their whole lives advising people who will never again see the light of the day? Strange world we live in m8. Strange world.

    We might have different definitions of racism, I don't advocate hate. Those people you describe are naive. And the mentality of a prison counselor is completely different than that of a "SJW". They would probably be considered racist by many, you have to be fairly emotionally detached to do a job like that.
  5. #25
    Merlin Houston
    Volunteer at a food pantry and you'll come out with a different attitude believe me.
  6. #26
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I know there term racist is very open to interpretation and some suggest there's actually no such thing at all. I just want to understand where the superiority complex stems from and why people decide to hate groups rather than individuals. I'm not trying to sound dumb here I just always have a lot to learn.
  7. #27
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ITT: tears, derpadew tears
  8. #28
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby ITT: tears, derpadew tears

    *frothing intensifies*
  9. #29
    Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by mmQ I know there term racist is very open to interpretation and some suggest there's actually no such thing at all. I just want to understand where the superiority complex stems from and why people decide to hate groups rather than individuals. I'm not trying to sound dumb here I just always have a lot to learn.
    Hey I enjoy talking about it and having my viewpoint challenged.

    The people that get bent out of shape over it and it consumes them, insecurity and unhappiness is my guess. And I have been in that place it's kind of shitty and not productive.

    I say racism is normal because when we interact with people day to day you can't give them a full psychological evaluation to make a judgment of their character, you have to make a quick judgement: what they are wearing, shoes, stature, attitude - those all go hand in hand with the more controversial ones: their sex, religious affiliation, skin color. People may deny doing this, or they may heavily weight certain factors over others. It is just human nature to look at someone and make a quick judgement call about how they may act.
  10. #30
    Anybody who is racist or thinks X group is X is just un-experienced or a fan of creating fantasies to fit their agenda. Especially this whole "Africa is underdeveloped" bullshit. I mean do you even colonialism? It's a gross misunderstanding of the political policy of (mostly) the last 200 years. I don't care if you have your beliefs on genetics, but nobody ever actually talks about that. All they know is "niggers r dumb."

    When I was 16 I went and took off most of a semester of school to go help with flood aid in Patna, India. (This makes me sound more like a philanthropist than I am, I just didn't want to go to school.)

    You'd think that all these uneducated and impoverished people wouldn't know shit but I got the shit surprised out of me by what they knew, though moreso their want to learn. It really opened me up to the idea that we're all just people. Maybe there's some genetic differences but they can't matter all that much. I think most differences are cultural though, which encompasses many things.

    I'm far from an SJW as well. I walked out on a black lives matter rally when it was fresh. I say nigger and make nigger jokes about niggers. But my god people stop acting like you're in a fucking tribe and stop being a fucking idiot. I've only met one racist person who wasn't a total ignoramus about the issue and actually had some reasoning other than "well my pa said blacks r bad."
  11. #31
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by mmQ *frothing intensifies*

    yeah not really...
  12. #32
    Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher >At work

    If they have a job, they're not the ones that we're always bitching about

    Yeah because talking about HIRING LAZY NIGGERS is nothing to do with what im talking about you fucking derpadew.
  13. #33
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby yeah not really…

    Hi Doug. How are you tonight?
  14. #34
    do do

    Originally posted by mmQ Hi Doug. How are you tonight?

    dooo do do do do dodooooo do odo doodo od o odoo dodoo dodododo doo odododoooooooooooooooOOOOOoooooooo(replace the dog with ARCHIEE!!!!) DOOO DOOO DOO DOO ODOD OD OOO DOO DO OO OOOOODOOOOOOOOOOO
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