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Congrats Toronto K.D. out. Raptor's Win

  1. #1
    toz African Astronaut
    congrats all of Canada.

    You have a good team. Though I feel it would of went to Game 7 had Kevin not torn his achillis tendon
  2. #2
    Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    thanks now buy this Torontian a 60 ouncer so i is can celebrate:) thanks
  3. #3
    Originally posted by toz congrats all of Canada.

    On being gay.
  4. #4
    Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    fuck that nigger and the frogs. fucking bastards always winning the Lotto Max's on me. Fuck. Die.
  5. #5
    toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dregs fuck that nigger and the frogs. fucking bastards always winning the Lotto Max's on me. Fuck. Die.

    A racist Canadian? I didn't know your type existed up there. I'm ashamed of you.

    inb4 "What do you mean Your Type" tolerance reference.

    Also Wow, I got up to take a shit at 5am thinking no response and got 4 so far.

    of course it's prolly 7:28 where you're at?

    Anyways first Basketball Championship won outside of the USA. so congrats on that as well.

    Whatever happened to Professional German American style football. that was a thing for a while. I think Australia, NZ and South Africa had a team trying to compete in the 90s?

    Wasn't Canadian football 110 meters or some shit.

    Also remember Arena Football. 80 yards. LOL tight field .. played pretty hardcore. lots of slamming into the sidelines with that.
  6. #6
    toz African Astronaut
    Also The Oracle Arena is history. or at least for the Warriors. They're moving across the bay to San Francisco's brand new Chase Arena. Traffic in crossover season with the giants games are going to be an effen nightmare. plus there is the new hospital across the street. Probably more "Having a baby on rout" will happen (or their own car)
  7. #7
    Ghost Black Hole
    yeah we lit. Toronto is #1 city in the world LADS

  8. #8
    toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost yeah we lit. Toronto is #1 city in the world LADS

    I would love to visit it someday. But the city went from "North America's cleanest city" to one of the most violent (from what I read)

    you have had a surge in crime in the past 10 years or more? " 'Toronto'-- Canada's, Detroit.. hide yo family"

    I will say outside of the Tenderloins in San Francsico (Which is literal shit art on side-walks and walls) is fairly clean. the streets are pretty clean.

    they hire "street ambassadors" to walk around with broom and hand shovels to clean up. But the crime went from petty to violent over the years. Seems like we traded of with NYC as "America's nicest city" to becoming more like Chicago. meanwhile Oakland is getting a little nicer.
  9. #9
    Ghost Black Hole
    No it's fine, there is crime like any city with a drug problem but it's segmented. There is stuff like needles around the parks downtown and lots of homeless people dying in the winter and yes lots of gang shootings in areas with kids but I would say it's a pretty safe place to live overall, I feel safe here at least even walking around sketchy areas at odd hours I always see police and dog walking civilians keeping the area safe.
  10. #10
    toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost and dog walking civilians keeping the area safe.

    I was working with this lady delivering and we had a breakdown and had to wait for service.. about 20 people kept driving past us, one parked across the street. it was clearly neighbourhood watch of elderly people over 65 keeping their glammer-hood safe from suspicious suspects like us. we just chuckled a bit.
  11. #11
    Ghost Black Hole
    Yeah I always see old people walking dogs whenever I live in bad areas. I noticed it after many late night jaunts and drug deals I would always see the same people and they would see me and I would say hello to not seem suspicious
  12. #12
    Originally posted by Ghost There is stuff like needles around the parks downtown and lots of homeless people dying in the winter and yes lots of gang shootings in areas with kids but I would say it's a pretty safe place to live overall

    Lol sounds like me trying to convince my teenage friends from gated communities to come hang out with me in Cleveland
  13. #13
    toz African Astronaut
    umm there prolly isn't anything wrong with ^ statement as long as ^ is not 50-60 and the teens aren't like mid teens
  14. #14
    HTS highlight reel
    Gotta be KD.
  15. #15
    toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS Gotta be KD.

    You think this person is Kevin Durante?

    or is that a play on the word kidding
  16. #16
    HTS highlight reel
    It's the slogan for Kraft Dinner here. It still fucks me up that people just call Kraft Dinner "Kraft Mac and Cheese" in the US. Like... it's so backwards. America - the home of corporate capitalism - doesn't use the Kraft Dinner brand name, yet they call acetaminophen "Tylenol" and adhesive bandages "Band-Aids". smh
  17. #17
    toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS It's the slogan for Kraft Dinner here. It still fucks me up that people just call Kraft Dinner "Kraft Mac and Cheese" in the US. Like… it's so backwards. America - the home of corporate capitalism - doesn't use the Kraft Dinner brand name, yet they call acetaminophen "Tylenol" and adhesive bandages "Band-Aids". smh

    it's the go-to so even the "mongoloids" get it.

    inb4 "That's not very tolerable of you"
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