Hello everyone.
I hope you all are having a wonderful day.
I got off work last night and met Shell at my house.
She came over to watch me play Runescape with Slaynk.
Then I fixed her a hot pocket and I ate some brats.
We tried watching the rest of I AM MOTHER.
We found out that we had both only watched 10 minutes of it the night before and I dont think we watched too much more last night either.
Maybe we can finish it by the end of the week.
I woke up today kinda later than usual but still have plenty of time to post before work and sit out on my porch enjoying the beautiful weather.
Shortly after opening my eyes I got hot sexy lovins.
Then I vaped my medical marijuana.
And now I am ready for work.
And Shell is taking pics of me.
I like the first one but I look like a retard in the second one.
Anyways, I love you all and hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
Best wishes.