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Will the world ever be normal again?

  1. #1
    HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    I'm watching a movie from the 60s called "Seven days in May" ... it's bizarre to watch this now in the present day present time of 2019.
    The movie starts out with a protest outside a building, but here is the thing, all the protesters are European men (real Americans) and they're well dressed.
    Then it jumps to a scene inside the white house with the president reading newspapers and his doctor informing him of his high blood pressure.
    Anyways, this might be the oldest movie I have seen, well maybe not I have seen Psycho and Salo which might predate this.
    It's weird to see old vids like this, the only time I was exposed to classic cinema was when I was around my grandparents and I observed them watching their television (they were into westerns and old timey stuff).
    It makes me feel melancholic and sad, the whole world I grew up in has suddenly vanished and I have a feeling it's never coming back.
    Even if we could increase white birth rates and take our country back, we're living in a world of hyper sophisticated technology which leads to total surveillance and extremely dangerous warfare.
    I feel like we have all been trapped in a prison and the only way out of this is through death or submission.
    All I want is for a normal and happy United States again.
  2. #2
    HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    I want women to be women
    Men to be men
    Grass to be green
    the sky blue
    I want to walk outside and not feel like I'm being watched by spooks through spy satellites
    Or my entire life analyzed by artificial intelligence
    or worry about my thoughts being monitored by A.I. via satellites
    or worry about chemtrails and food being engineered to slowly kill us off
    I want to know the absolute truth about the assassination of JFK and the 9/11 attacks
    I want the kikes out of my country period and Palestine returned to the Palestinians
    I want the mexicans to go back home
    I want an end to poverty and suffering
    and accessible for all (that's not socialism fuck you)
    I want to see children outside everyday enjoying life, not locked up in a school being indoctrinated
    I want to walk into the movie theater and watch a film that isn't mind control or propaganda
    I want the web to be free and open again
    I want video games to not be shit again
    I want to wake up and feel excited about life, not saddened because I realize I'm in the Satanic NWO timeline

    etc etc
  3. #3
    Technologist victim of incest
    I believe that you are our savior. You were sent here to change the world. You are the one that all of our fate rests on. Please change the world for us, you all powerful being. I believe in you.!
  4. #4
    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    OP: "Lets get rid of the niggers jedis spics and make America family friendly again"
    Also OP: "What if I accidentally rub my penis against your daughter?"
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #5
    HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist Hukimoron,
    I believe that you are our savior. You were sent here to change the world. You are the one that all of our fate rests on. Please change the world for us, you all powerful being. I believe in you.!

    maybe in the next life
  6. #6
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country OP: "Lets get rid of the niggers jedis spics and make America family friendly again"
    Also OP: "What if I accidentally rub my penis against your daughter?"

    He didn't say make America family friendly... The 2 things u posited are not contradictory.
  7. #7
    ive got bigger problems than a bunch of crackers getting genocided
  8. #8
    Shrooms Houston
    Try watching slave day movies you'll hate blacks
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