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Blacks aren't human

  1. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by GGG LOL I was going to say something but this post speaks for itself

    Apparently 300,000 white men were involved in building the Apollo spacecraft, whereas one Negress was able to fly it.
  2. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Nobody even went to the Moon. The so-called "Moon landing" was nothing but a giant hoax by the military industrial complex, to deceive the public into thinking they beat Russia. Can you just imagine how stupid you would have to be to even think for one second a literal tin can could navigate all the way back to Earth with no fuel? Not to mention, the radiation levels would have fried them all to a crisp. NASA now admits you would need at least six feet of lead shielding to withstand a trip to the Moon. That whole crew was assembled to act out their roles in the hoax, and a Hollywood studio was called in to fake the film and the television broadcasts. None of it ever actually happened!
  3. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Nobody even went to the Moon. The so-called "Moon landing" was nothing but a giant hoax by the military industrial complex, to deceive the public into thinking they beat Russia. Can you just imagine how stupid you would have to be to even think for one second a literal tin can could navigate all the way back to Earth with no fuel? Not to mention, the radiation levels would have fried them all to a crisp. NASA now admits you would need at least six feet of lead shielding to withstand a trip to the Moon. That whole crew was assembled to act out their roles in the hoax, and a Hollywood studio was called in to fake the film and the television broadcasts. None of it ever actually happened!

    Are you saying every single person involved was lying?
  4. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Nobody even went to the Moon. The so-called "Moon landing" was nothing but a giant hoax by the military industrial complex, to deceive the public into thinking they beat Russia. Can you just imagine how stupid you would have to be to even think for one second a literal tin can could navigate all the way back to Earth with no fuel? Not to mention, the radiation levels would have fried them all to a crisp. NASA now admits you would need at least six feet of lead shielding to withstand a trip to the Moon. That whole crew was assembled to act out their roles in the hoax, and a Hollywood studio was called in to fake the film and the television broadcasts. None of it ever actually happened!

    Do you even realise how many 17 year old nerds have done the maths on this?

    It happened, get over it.
  5. GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Apparently 300,000 white men were involved in building the Apollo spacecraft, whereas one Negress was able to fly it.

  6. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by HikikomoriYume0 Are you saying every single person involved was lying?

    No that's not what he's saying either. To create a hoax you only need to involve the top level people in the actual deception.
  7. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    You land on the Moon in the lunar lander. Guess what? There's nothing left of the ship but the lunar lander. And you're going to fly that lunar lander all the way back to Earth, with no fuel, in a literal tin can, through radiation belts that would fry a human like an egg, using computing power equivalent to a modern hand-calculator, in sub-zero temperatures which would freeze human flesh in seconds. Do you know that if you are navigating a trip of 239,000 miles, if you are even a hair's thickness off course, you would miss Earth entirely by thousand of miles. But they "did it", in a tin can, with no thrusters, no rocket, and no fuel! People really are dumb as bags of rocks; they believe everything the crooks in the government tells them is true, no matter what! People just can't think for themselves, or bother to research anything, no way, no how!
  8. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL You land on the Moon in the lunar lander. Guess what? There's nothing left of the ship but the lunar lander. And you're going to fly that lunar lander all the way back to Earth, with no fuel, in a literal tin can, through radiation belts that would fry a human like an egg, using computing power equivalent to a modern hand-calculator, in sub-zero temperatures which would freeze human flesh in seconds. Do you know that if you are navigating a trip of 239,000 miles, if you are even a hair's thickness off course, you would miss Earth entirely by thousand of miles. But they "did it", in a tin can, with no thrusters, no rocket, and no fuel! People really are dumb as bags of rocks; they believe everything the crooks in the government tells them is true, no matter what! People just can't think for themselves, or bother to research anything, no way, no how!

    Not only that, but you can do it in Kerbal Space Program with full realism mods.
  9. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Sure, they've gotten robotic vehicles there, but that's it. No human has ever been to the Moon. Recently, NASA announced a "return" mission to the Moon in five years. But, wait... five years? Then when you press them and ask them what happened to all the data they gathered from the first moon landing, you know what they say? Get this. They say it DISAPPEARED, and no one knows where it is. They will tell you they "have to replicate the data from scratch". What a coincidence! Yeah. One of the largest hoaxes ever perpetrated on the world, up there with 9/11 and the Iraq "WMD", and everybody swallowed it, hook, line and sinker, just like they surmised. They already knew people are mostly dumb as tree stumps and will automatically believe every single thing they're spoon-fed.
  10. snab_snib African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung How much does welfare pay u?

    bet i make a whole fukkking lot more than you, especially when i can get paid for 60 hours when i'm only at work for 40. :) it pays to be good.
  11. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    And the morons who faked the Moon landing weren't all that bright either. They made some critical errors. Once they had setup the Hollywood studio in the desert and finished all their fake filming at night (including editing to make the footage play slower in realtime), they suddenly realized the stars in the background would give away their position. Astronomers would be able to say, "hey, what the hell, those stars aren't where they should be". And, really, any stars they put there would translate to a specific location and region of space, so they couldn't just put in bogus stars with the editing software either. So you know what they did? They just airbrushed the stars out completely. All stars gone. If you look at every single picture of "men on the Moon", not a one has a single star in it. All airbrushed out. However, if you look at any other picture taken in space, there are stars in every single one. What a coincidence! Another fuckup they made is the cameras they were using. Night time on the Moon is -280 F. Day time on the Moon is 260 F. Neither their suits, nor the cameras, nor the film in the cameras, could be designed to withstand those kind of temps. We can't even do that today. Those cameras would have froze solid or literally melted away, if they had really been on the Moon.
  12. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by snab_snib bet i make a whole fukkking lot more than you, especially when i can get paid for 60 hours when i'm only at work for 40. :) it pays to be good.

    You definitely do. I'm unemployed.👍
  13. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    The real conspiracy is not whether or not the moon landing was faked, but why we haven't go back to space in so long ...

  14. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Reason they never "went back" is because they would have had to fake the whole thing over again. Too much trouble and not worth anything politically, especially when they'd already sold the lie to the world. And I'm sure the Russians knew it was bullshit, too, and just didn't bother to say anything.
  15. snab_snib African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HikikomoriYume0 The real conspiracy is not whether or not the moon landing was faked, but why we haven't go back to space in so long …

    there are already human civilizations on other solar systems.

    earth is just quarantined until it evolves more.

    we landed on the moon but all the footage is faked. they destroyed the real footage.
  16. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by snab_snib there are already human civilizations on other solar systems.

    earth is just quarantined until it evolves more.

    we landed on the moon but all the footage is faked. they destroyed the real footage.

    retarded hypothesis

    E.T. have no use for us, and the whole ant-farm hypothesis is stupid if they were capable of that they wouldn't even need to use planets they would be in virtual reality.
  17. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Virtual reality and creating new universes are the final frontiers
  18. snab_snib African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HikikomoriYume0 Virtual reality and creating new universes are the final frontiers

    no, they're not. they're the final forms of entertainment for the peasants who will soon be exterminated.

    Originally posted by HikikomoriYume0 retarded hypothesis

    E.T. have no use for us, and the whole ant-farm hypothesis is stupid if they were capable of that they wouldn't even need to use planets they would be in virtual reality.

    it's not a 'hypothesis'.
  19. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by snab_snib no, they're not. they're the final forms of entertainment for the peasants who will soon be exterminated.

    it's not a 'hypothesis'.

    You're a plebeian
    VR is the final frontier, and I'm not talking about entertainment or something like the Oculus Rift, I'm talking about creating realities digitally and exploring consciousness/creation with unlimited possibilities.
  20. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    also the ancient aliens theory is literally a CIA nigger psyop to get gullible people like you to fall for their upcoming false flag event
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