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Blacks aren't human

  1. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    and by "people" I'm referring to the synagogue of satan
  2. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dregs I'm a gay tranny faggot queer & you should respect my opinions because of this

  3. Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    Originally posted by We'reAllBrownNosers Ok

    K alt. Lmao
  4. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HikikomoriYume0 the jews have weaponized the negro population
    if left alone and to their own devices, I'm sure the American negro population would go on to be just as respectable as their human counterparts.
    It's really sad, I don't hate negroes and I would love to see this world prosper … but a lot of people need to die first for that to happen.
    Can't argue with you there.
  5. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by HikikomoriYume0 the jews have weaponized the negro population
    if left alone and to their own devices, I'm sure the American negro population would go on to be just as respectable as their human counterparts.
    It's really sad, I don't hate negroes and I would love to see this world prosper … but a lot of people need to die first for that to happen.

    but its many peoples view, mine included, that you need to die to make this world a better place.

  6. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dregs I'm gay, please fuck me in my ass.

    Not even with Ghosts dick.
  7. snab_snib African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Narc who says their lives are miserable?

    just fucking look at them you fucking retard. or look at any number of shitty statistics and studies you can find demonstrating that a niggers quality of life always has been and always is worse no matter what, because they're fucking STUPID. there is literally not one nice place black people live in. they ruin everything. they've never had anything. they're not suited for civilization, most are in prison, africa is a nightmare hellscape for niggers, because of niggers.

    Originally posted by Narc and earth would be a better place for who?

    everyone else, also me and mine.

    Originally posted by Narc this is just your opinion and completely and totally subjective. i for one like living in a world full of people who are different in many different ways. it makes life more interesting. what a fucking boring place it would be if everybody in the world was pretty much the same. it gives us diversity, that's a good thing, even if it does create conflict at times.

    why is it that the faggy leftist twerp type always goes on and on about 'boring' and 'interesting'? is it because they're completely divorced from reality and necessity, so everything is just a form of entertainment for them as they drudge from one meaningless form of consumerism to another?

    what would fucking convince you diversity was good or had benefits?

    does that look like diversity to you?

    it's not diversity

    it's university. uniformity.

    that's what gets shit done.

    Originally posted by Narc and does it occur to you that there are billions of people who feel the world would be a better place if you and your ignorant types were all gone also? i mean lets face it, stamping out the haters would certainly make for an ideal solution to this whole 'hate problem' that's going on.

    there aren't. there's roughly 250,000 white people like you in the west. everyone else has real shit to deal with and can't be fake and retarded, like hateful white men's work has allowed you to survive being.

    hate is not bad, at all. that's understood by literally everyone except AIDS infested useless cosmopolitan leftist intellectual-wannabe little fags like you. the only 'hate problem' is that we're lacking sufficient hatred. we live in the age of the least amount of hate that has ever existed on planet earth, and that's not a good thing.

    Originally posted by Narc certainly sounds better than exterminating many nice innocent people that your solution would involve. and would definitely make for an easier sell to the masses.

    the masses will go wherever they are led. you are a prime example of that. genocide isn't so bad. 'nice innocent people' is a subjective opinion, that stands in the way of extremely concrete advantages. you'd start to see the benefits right away. imagine how low rent would be... the lower taxes... the cheap healthcare... the better schools... the healthier, happier society... god it'd be fucking beautiful. it would be divine. by allah, i would love nothing more than to join my friends in massacring niggers. i tell you that i could kill a thousand niggers a day and bury them alive in mass graves, and still wake up the next day, excited to do it all over again.

    and it's the right thing to do
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    Originally posted by We'reAllBrownNosers Not even with Ghosts dick.

    Sure ALT. Lmao thanks for the laughs fake.
  9. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    snab that pic is 99% intelligent men and a couple subversive jews in the front
  10. snab_snib African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HikikomoriYume0 snab that pic is 99% intelligent men and a couple subversive jews in the front

    some of them were actual OG nazis who had served hitler, too.
  11. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    One of the best arguments I've ever read for leaving niggers alone was from a white nationalist on stormfront. He said that once upon a time, they had peaceful, prosperous societies, with somewhat (for the time period) advanced medicine and healthcare. We gave them technology they weren't capable of using responsibly because they lack impulse control. It really is our fault for giving all these destructive technologies, weapons and including weapons of mass destruction, to our enemies.

    It's not that we want to be enemies. It is the fact that one species or sub-strain will always compete for dominance with the others. That's how nature works. This globalist race war has been going on for decades. It is literally self hating white cucks, j/ews and the rest of non whites, versus the normal whites that just want to be left alone to do intelligent peaceful things.

    Shame, but in order to win the war, you blacks, you're going to have to kill all non blacks. And for you whites to win, you'll have to kill all non whites, or at least kill off the more violent ones that are obsessed with invading your nations and dominating them.
  12. snab_snib African Astronaut
    Originally posted by We'reAllBrownNosers One of the best arguments I've ever read for leaving niggers alone was from a white nationalist on stormfront. He said that once upon a time, they had peaceful, prosperous societies, with somewhat (for the time period) advanced medicine and healthcare. We gave them technology they weren't capable of using responsibly because they lack impulse control. It really is our fault for giving all these destructive technologies, weapons and including weapons of mass destruction, to our enemies.

    It's not that we want to be enemies. It is the fact that one species or sub-strain will always compete for dominance with the others. That's how nature works. This globalist race war has been going on for decades. It is literally self hating white cucks, j/ews and the rest of non whites, versus the normal whites that just want to be left alone to do intelligent peaceful things.

    Shame, but in order to win the war, you blacks, you're going to have to kill all non blacks. And for you whites to win, you'll have to kill all non whites, or at least kill off the more violent ones that are obsessed with invading your nations and dominating them.

    there's something to be said for 'if you aren't wise enough to discover it yourself you're not wise enough to use it properly'.

    but on the other hand, as far as WE'RE concerned, they've really never done or accomplished anything, and there's too much value in the natural resources of africa to just let them have it. i would suggest we use drone carrier landships to exterminate all humans in africa autonomously, if we can't make a good enough bioweapon to do it. these drone carrier landships can be dropped onto shores, and just crawl across the continent, deploying, rearming, and recharging drones that simply headshot every single human they find until they're out of ammo, and then go home to get their magazine reloaded and recharge the battery. we'd only need a expeditionary maintenance/engineering force to rearm them occasionally. 20mm autoturrets and a sick sensor package will protect it from anything a fuckin african can throw at them. carrier groups can provide support against any dense or armored opponent profile.

    neutron bombs can be used against all major population centers, and major entrance and exit points set up as instant death.
  13. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
  14. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by snab_snib there's something to be said for 'if you aren't wise enough to discover it yourself you're not wise enough to use it properly'.

    but on the other hand, as far as WE'RE concerned, they've really never done or accomplished anything, and there's too much value in the natural resources of africa to just let them have it. i would suggest we use drone carrier landships to exterminate all humans in africa autonomously, if we can't make a good enough bioweapon to do it. these drone carrier landships can be dropped onto shores, and just crawl across the continent, deploying, rearming, and recharging drones that simply headshot every single human they find until they're out of ammo, and then go home to get their magazine reloaded and recharge the battery. we'd only need a expeditionary maintenance/engineering force to rearm them occasionally. 20mm autoturrets and a sick sensor package will protect it from anything a fuckin african can throw at them. carrier groups can provide support against any dense or armored opponent profile.

    neutron bombs can be used against all major population centers, and major entrance and exit points set up as instant death.
    Well, you'd have to jam all wireless signals in the process. Anything other than a bioweapon is really unrealistic these days when it comes to genocide. The freemasons did it best. They're white supremacists, but according to albert pike author of the freemason bible, they're allied with J/ews because of the kabbalah being the source of most of their rituals. In the book he admitted they started wars, so their enemies would kill each other off. Doing things indirectly the way masons and j/ews do is smart. It may be evil, but war is evil.

    All is fair in love and war, so those tactics are really the only way to go in my opinion. If it's anything other than sabotage or bioweapons, the people doing it will face retaliation. Maybe not by africans but by their globalist handlers.
  15. Originally posted by -SpectraL I can still smell fear, happiness, anger… all the emotions.

    now try smell my emotion in regard to this statement.
  16. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country No it's not.

    ok, lets see you define tribe.
  17. Originally posted by Narc its more what happens in a species with superior intellect when you'll get some members of the species that are still not quite intelligent enough to make reasoned decisions and let fear rule their thinking, then they just generalize based on that retarded thinking. also you'll get that whole mob mentality shit going on an all.


    agreed. thats how pedo bashing got started.
  18. Originally posted by -SpectraL Why should one negro have to pay for all the things his negro brethren do?

    Originally posted by -SpectraL It's part of reciprocal reparations, as justice for whites enslaving them.

    he he.
  19. Originally posted by snab_snib there's something to be said for 'if you aren't wise enough to discover it yourself you're not wise enough to use it properly'.

    this is quite true.

    look at what happened when the white men who didnt discover cannon technology were given access to cannon technology.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. Originally posted by We'reAllBrownNosers It may be evil, but war is evil.

    war is neither good nor evil.

    it is just a tool.
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