They are like the gruesome 2sum. they are my age but they both are fat and flabby and are very transparent, I actually think they are gang stalkers. Like my other neighbors might not like me for one reason or another or they like me because I'm cool, but they are the weirdest couple. They hear my foot steps and they bounce and while their walking away (I know their scared and talk shit about me) and I'll be like "weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel gonts! how you guys doing and look at them and it sends them into sweaty cankle mode. Their extremely glib.
I think part of it is because I have my bedroom window open when im on tc and I talk about all types of shit that seems out there.
Like there was a snake the other day that i killed and manuel was talking to me about it and I was like did you see that? And she scooted her boot (she had a boot on because she broke her leg due to being overweight) real quick. Idk man. I know I have an abrasive personality but they are like 2 peas in a pod. I think their even reading this as I type it which I hope they are.
It's like one day they will act normal and the next I'll walk up the stairs and his gf while he's not there is staring at me and I turn around because I can feel the manta rays and I'm like "hey how are you" and she will scoot that boot real quick after spitting some response.
People think that I'm paranoid and I am. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean their not effected by you.
Their not a threat to me, they smell like cigs, pizza grease and anime.. but whatever. I got a new mattress right before my accident and I want to vaccuum my place before setting it up so I slept on the floor a couple nights and couple hear there conversations and the bitch was talking about killing herself and stuff like that. I can only imagine how smelly that place is. Am I an asshole?
I think the fact that I giggle all night reading on my phone doesn't help.
Originally posted by HikikomoriYume0
why are you so dumb?
idk it was just the way i was born.. its like me asking you why are you faggot? you are what you are. shouldn't you be makin a thread about jedis and niggers or something or are you getting sleepy and its almost bed time?