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Ghost appreciation thread...

  1. #1
    WellHung Black Hole
    Ghosty is my nigga. One of those 'must see' posters. He is the complete opposite of a boring poster, whether you care for him or no. Ill never call Ghostbusters on u, my friend.👍❤
  2. #2
    Ghost Black Hole
    here is my first post on this forum

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man What is life beyond a bowl of crystal?, Cannabis, LSD and Heroin seem to be the most populr drugs but meth is the life force its like coal and coal tar. Coal sat untilized for centuries until some person dug a hole and boiled some rocks and figured out its the cheapest energy source ever. Just like Meth, Coal is a banned substance, but unlike Coal meth has not yet hit the mainstream. In the 1800;s coal was burned in HOUSES for heat and cooking until 1899 when someone said FUCK THIS and make COKE from COAL and then COAL TAR which allowed us to dig deeper for OIL and GAS and then it exploded from there. Just like this at the turn of the century 1900 went to 2000 and now 2016. Fusion and Solar. COAL and COKE its time for METH and ICE. "If you can put it down it's not strong enough" Cannabis is the substance of light, it makes one throw about like a mad person until they build a tolerance and then it makes them calm and "floaty" and hungry, the Chinese knew this about this before anyone. Alcohol is the substance of Industry, moonshine and beer Coffee as the pope said "Is so wonderful, how could it ever be banned?" Coca Keurig Tea Mushrooms will soon be the most popular synthetic drug, 3meoDMT turns into psilocibin Ergot is EVERYWHERE I believe it "finds" chemists like people think L finds them. San Pedro gives a direct UPLINK to ancient spirits and is an indicator of our life force BENZOS can be made from toluene, OPIATES like fentanyl soon will be made like brewing LSA BREWING OPIATES and iran poppy bentley compounds, it's exploding RIGHT NOW, Khat, Methylone METH I think is something else, it's like DARK ENERGY, BLACK HOLES, mutations, radiation. don't fuck with it. don't look it, don't talk about it, don't think about it, EVIL. Yet it gives a person unlimited energy and what is energy? light and heat is what we crave except when meth makes them stop needing anything. Food is energy. The sun is food. Water is air. Fire is Water. METHAMPHETAMINE 24/7365 Clean glass pipes and big shards, large BOWLS are packed and melted down the vapor treasured more than any diamond or gold. Burning it is a SIN and makes jesus cry a PERFECT HIT is the PERFECT COMBINATION yin yang of AIR flow gravity pressure wind EARTH clean meth FIRE good even heating and twirling the bowl melting it into a puddle WATER avoid burning which creates h2o and carbon which boils and turns black but vaporized at the correct temp produces FREEBASE METH VaPORS which quickly climb up through the blood stream into the head and cross the blood brain barrier and force their way into every neuron DOPAMINE SEROTONIN EPINEPHEDRINE hormone all kinds of receptors and the body completely changes its internal chemistry to adgust to this POISON like radiation it ALTERS you and as you smoke and smoke or inject and snort it breaks down more and more into OXIDATION of the receptors causing direct and permanent brain damage slowly over many years as the person becomes emotionally numb and all they want is harder drugs and crazier sex. What is happening is actually EVOLUTION the person is no longer human at this point and beyond satanic they can be considered almost pure ENERGY and they are trying to shed their human flesh form and transform into a ball of light that floats off into space. First step is sending the person into SPACE and spraying them down to kill of the TINY BUGS eating at them microscopic organisms slowly feeding on the flesh causing aging. Next the person is put on a regimen of vitamins, carbohydrates and water and they start to feel STRONGER. Zero gravity also stresses the body but what its actually doing is SLOWLY seperating the molecular bonds only they are being held together by basic DNA and carbon framing at this point. Brain Death still occurs but can be slowed down with future technology. Cloning body parts and Robotics will replace most of healthcare along with drugs that instantly regenerate bones.Why space?. Some people believe we live on in another form while others feel that death is the end of everything. What do you believe?. The bible often compares death to sleep and also records several resurrections (Lazarus). "The dead know nothing at all" (Ecclesiastes 9:5). God can wake the dead just as we can raise those who are sleeping (John 14:13-15). True death is when the body decomposes to dust (Genesis 2:7) while the body retains shape and energy for years in the ground does this mean they are dead or sleeping?. Technologies currently exist to make a "dead" (sleeping) body walk around like zombies but no man can raise dust into life, does this mean zombies will soon walk the earth?. "There is going to be a resurrection" (Acts 24:15).
  3. #3
    WellHung Black Hole
    Dude thats intense. You're honestly brilliant... i like how you add your own spiritual take on 'the facts'. Over time I want to tap more into your mentality. You post things that would never ever pop into my head on my own. I like that. a lot.👍
  4. #4
  5. #5
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by frala .

  6. #6
    Ghost Black Hole
    I wrote that on a lot of cocaine after my house burned down.

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man I forgot my keys so I'm locked out of my dads place, REALLY had to piss so I came to the ol' crack shack and I'm just sitting here in this burned out house with 3 beers and this spotty ass WiFi connection. It still feels like home *sigh*
  7. #7
    WellHung Black Hole
    Dude are you putting me on here? u bein serious?
  8. #8
    Ghost Black Hole
    I signed my (old) name and everything

  9. #9
    WellHung Black Hole
    That sucks. Sorry u had to go through that, man.
  10. #10
    WellHung Black Hole
    Damn. that's sad.
  11. #11
    Ghost Black Hole
    It was all Susan's fault. She wanted to turn my house into a grow up but I just wanted to do my chemistry research and do legal side hussles like making vape juice.
  12. #12
    WellHung Black Hole
    Susan? a grow up? Scron you gotta be having fun with me...
  13. #13
    WellHung Black Hole
    Ghost I don't have the back story on you or anyone for that matter so I'm really not going to know any Better if you're totally bullshiting me. im completely vulnerable.
  14. #14
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    It's a compelling and shocking story. One for the ages.
  15. #15
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by WellHung Susan? a grow up? Scron you gotta be having fun with me…

    Nah man I'm being serious. I have just had a really fucked up life I guess, most people don't believe me when I tell them I do meth and fentanyl.
  16. #16
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by WellHung Susan? a grow up? Scron you gotta be having fun with me…

    What do u mean by grow up? And who was/is Susan?
  17. #17
    Ghost Black Hole
    Like a marijuana growing operation.

    I have been bitching about Susan on here for years, she ruined my life. She was my landlord at that house that burned down/exploded and the only reason she rented to me was because she wanted to turn it into a weed growing operation with me looking after it but I had no interest in that and told her to fuck off and let me live in peace.

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man Its all Susan's fault man she USED TO GROW WEED HERE and she tried forcing me out. I used to get QP's of dank from her prepaid she would come up to me on payday and be like BUY AN OUNCE FROM ME RIGHT NOW I KNOW YOU HAVE MONEY and I'M the asshole?. She never had to get involved with me. I blame the state of this house on SUE man FUCK YOU SUE YOU GOD DAMNED BITCH i even used to trim her weed and feed her plants and WHAT NOW BITCH YOUR HOUSE IS FUCKED fucking weed growing cunt she deserves something a lot harder than a slap to the face i tell ya hwhat
  18. #18
    WellHung Black Hole
    You don't have any interest because you didn't want her involved, right? But if it was just you there doing it...and no one else knew ...would you have?
  19. #19
    WellHung Black Hole
    Dam landlords in Canada are a lot more liberal ha? Or is this just an isolated incident, not representative of most?
  20. #20
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by WellHung if it was just you there doing it…and no one else knew …would you have?

    Maybe. I just didn't want some bitch making the lions share of the profit while I do all the work and shoulder all of the risk. The only reason they rented to me was so the house didn't look empty. As soon as I moved in I decided I would not work for these people anymore and I would make my own money, quit my job and improve my skills at bench chemistry.

    I did grow weed there and it was all mine, I made hash oil, cooked meth, made precursors, cleaned pills and I had an awesome life until they ripped it from me by force. The stress of that situation led to me trying heroin for the first time.

    $600/month for this place and I signed a year lease.

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man real space nigga trees in biodomes and shit. Post a tree!. Go out and take a picture of a tree, leave the house for once.

    Walnut tree with a walut in growth.

    Plums growing on a branch with the walnut canopy in the sky.
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