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Sloppy sniper

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    David wheeler is a hollywood actor with ties to the DNC, who supposedly lost a child in the sandy hook scam, and that same day he was a sniper for the FBI at sandy hook lol (where no even died)
    Then they take him out of the swat gear, but him in a suit and have him start whining about how his fake child died and how you need to send him money and get rid of your guns.

    Talk about an anomaly.... (as if there wasn't plenty of other anomalies)

    Unfortunately, most americans don't give a fuck / can't wrap their heads around how the obama administration is the most corrupt administration as far as pushing propaganda.

    If more people in america woke up, there would definitely be another civil war here.

    then you have the liberal jedi media making it sound like if you believe the sandy hook hoax then your probably a trump supportter, and you're crazy and you believe in pizzagate (pizzagate is a psyop with the sole purpose of discrediting other conspiracy theories. )

    There not even good actors

    I read a book by john douglas one of the first criminal profilers ever for the fbi, even says in his book that the fbi works with news and puts out fake news for what they think is the greater good.

    reading if fundamental, and knowledge is power, and power is knowledge. All warfare is based on deception. Just keep that in mind folks.


    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2016-12-09T16:57:25.272909+00:00
  2. #2
    I think erveryone in maerica kows evertyone man
  3. #3
    Merlin Houston
    Oy vey! Fake new on Niggas in Space of all places.

  4. #4
    Hey Merlin you fat bastard, good to see you. Hang around.
  5. #5
    What real conspiracy is Pizzagate trying to overshadow? You being gangstalked?

  6. #6
    Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by RisiR Hey Merlin you fat bastard, good to see you. Hang around.

    I'm here forever
  7. #7
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by RisiR What real conspiracy is Pizzagate trying to overshadow? You being gangstalked?

    suck a dick you cuck
  8. #8
    yo moms a sloppy nigger
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