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Anyone feel like a spontaneous change in current lifestyle?

  1. #1
    Octavian motherfucker
    I think a sporadic change, although shocking to the body, will work wonders. It's in our body's inherent nature to work against this notion as we are all accustomed to indulging in behaviours that are somewhat self destructive, be it physical or mental. By making little positive changes, other positive things have resulted from that one change.

    The endgame of this is to actually get something good out of it. Each and everyone of us would like to change one habit, one facet of our being, but choose to sit and complain and NOT do anything.

    This game doesn't even have to be physical like going the gym or running a marathon. It could be something simple like not taking sugar in your tea to starting a new hobby. As much as it sucks at first you have to stick at it.

    I myself are starting boxing, something I had little interest in at first but I wanted to improve my skills. I'm committed to detoxing off binge drinking which came hand in hand with the heavy Cocaine use. There's various other things I will add to this as I go along. I think overall this can be a postive thing and would be interesting to share.

    We should all still feel proud that we at least gave this a go. If not, FUCK YOU!
  2. #2
    Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
  3. #3
  4. #4
    Ghost Black Hole
    I need to go to the mall wearing robes more often. It's my religious duty
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