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Anyone here have OCD?

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I know michael meyers has mentioned it. I don't mean like how some chick will be like "lul i like your shirt collar t be strait!" and adjusted it..

    I first new I had it when I was 7 years old because I saw on tlc a documentary about it and I knew that thats what I had. It's weird because I can see it in other people. Kinda like magical thinking.. like I went to an astro's game as a kid and I had to move a certain way almost like a spasm so the astro's would win or the world would end. I went to a w bush ralley with my parents as a kid and I would do the same thing. I say knock on wood, but don't knock on would I knock on something else that isn't would.

    Whenever I clean my room I remove all my stuff but have to perfectly but it back in place like it was before. like perfect. It's such a waste of time, my parents took me to a psychologist over it and a pysche for having bipolar d/o and it was kind of a waste of time because my dad just chalked it up to me listening to nirvana because of that song "lithium" but I could see it in him.

    When I was a little kid I would pray obsessively. I quit praying to god for years but now I do again because I believe in him. It's caused me a lot of sleepless nights. I'm also afraid of chemicals, yet I like to drink and do drugs go figure. kinda neurotic.

    like one time I saw a shopping cart run down towards my dads truck and he maybe or maybe not caught it right before it hit, and he yelled at the bitch a lot. that night i went out the garage and he was licking his finger and rubbing it against his truck and i felt bad about it because I knew what it was about.

    When he got the tile redun in the house because it was buckling, every weekend when my parents went antiquing I would put a couple of ice cubes at the same spot so it looked like water was coming up like it was buckling again and he'd have to redo the tile, it drove his ass crazy.

    I also call people pig fuckers out of nowhere and make eee eeeee sounds, though i like that part of it though

    can anyone else relate?

  2. #2
    WellHung Black Hole
    yep, i got it.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3
    Ghost Black Hole
    no im just a bitch UWU
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    woweee zoweee
  5. #5
    We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    I was diagnosed with OCD and it used to be obsession over germs and invisible contamination. Now it's weird idiosyncrasies like I can't cross the road in front of cars, I have to walk behind them. I have to punch metal objects randomly too. Mostly sign posts. Just weird things here and there.
  6. #6
    playingindirt Tuskegee Airman [nevermore overpopulate your whitweek]
    no. I have 2 sisters that have it though. one has the most immaculate spotless & organized home you'll ever see. the other one is a head doc for people with mental illnesses. and I'm happily ADHD I'm completely entertained with myself, I never get bored, and I don't get lonely. 😆
  7. #7
    Yeah, I use to be a major germophobe when I was a kid. Wouldn't drink out of my family's sodas and a bunch of other stuff. They called me a germaphobe all the time. I also had some other obsessive compulsive tendencies, one big one being praying in my head relentlessly. That went on in some fashion all the way until last year. It was hell.

    I still have some tendencies, but not anywhere close to how bad they use to be.
  8. #8
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by DietYellow Yeah, I use to be a major germophobe when I was a kid. Wouldn't drink out of my family's sodas and a bunch of other stuff. They called me a germaphobe all the time. I also had some other obsessive compulsive tendencies, one big one being praying in my head relentlessly. That went on in some fashion all the way until last year. It was hell.

    I still have some tendencies, but not anywhere close to how bad they use to be.

    pussy. How does it feel to be a boring Normie?
  9. #9
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    I was gonna say "Me!" but you beat me to it. I remember creating a thread on Zoklet about my OCD, included a picture of my hands which looked honestly terrible, and Vizier tried to troll me by saying how filthy my keyboard must be and I should wash my hands, or something. Bad trolling. But fun times.
  10. #10
    I have Tourettes
  11. #11
    Jesus Christ Tuskegee Airman
    no because I'm not retarded like the OP
  12. #12
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Michael Myers I was gonna say "Me!" but you beat me to it. I remember creating a thread on Zoklet about my OCD, included a picture of my hands which looked honestly terrible, and Vizier tried to troll me by saying how filthy my keyboard must be and I should wash my hands, or something. Bad trolling. But fun times.

    thanks for you contribution.
  13. #13
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by DietYellow I have Tourettes

    so does youre mother when she gags on me

  14. #14
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    I was diagnosed with OCD about ~15 years ago.

    The thing about my particular case is that it is primarily "O" in relative comparison to the "C".

    Intrusive thoughts are the most devastating symptom in my case. I have contemplated suicide numerous times, and have even gotten as close as having the noose around my neck, ready to kick the stool out from beneath me. But, as bad as having your internal periphery forcibly bombarded with the most horrific shit imaginable, I remain perpetually resilient for some reason.

    I'm not going to go into any detail regarding the specific content of these thoughts, because that would completely diverge from the central point.

    I do have some compulsive behaviour(s). Contrary to popular belief, though, I don't keep everything in my surroundings spotlessly clean. I also don't have many of the popular "counting behaviours" (although I do turn door knobs three times after locking them, and sometimes perform other actions in three's... but it's a rather negligible symptom compared to the aforementioned intrusive thoughts).

    I am also ridiculously routine-oriented. That could be explained by OCD symptoms, but I'm not entirely convinced that OCD is the only source of mental issue I deal with.

    As some of you may know, I have a bachelor's degree in psychology. Now, my main areas of focus were neuroscience and cognition. Clinical psychology is almost entirely separate (for all intents and purposes). But I did have at least some interest in clinical psychology because, well, I've always known I had a fucked up brain/mind.

    I have tried a vast plethora of things to manage any and all mental health symptoms, from psychiatrist-prescribed drugs, to personal experimentation with drugs (both prescription and scheduled/illegal), to cognitive-behavioral therapies (either via one on one sessions, in group therapy sessions, or just applying principals and tactics on my own), all the way to direct electrical stimulation of the brain via electrodes (tDCS).

    I consider it a life-long journey, and with each passing day, I discover new things that either work, don't work, or even downright set me back.

    But I keep at it.
  15. #15
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Originally posted by gadzooks I was diagnosed with OCD about ~15 years ago.

    The thing about my particular case is that it is primarily "O" in relative comparison to the "C".

    Intrusive thoughts are the most devastating symptom in my case. I have contemplated suicide numerous times, and have even gotten as close as having the noose around my neck, ready to kick the stool out from beneath me. But, as bad as having your internal periphery forcibly bombarded with the most horrific shit imaginable, I remain perpetually resilient for some reason.

    I'm not going to go into any detail regarding the specific content of these thoughts, because that would completely diverge from the central point.

    I do have some compulsive behaviour(s). Contrary to popular belief, though, I don't keep everything in my surroundings spotlessly clean. I also don't have many of the popular "counting behaviours" (although I do turn door knobs three times after locking them, and sometimes perform other actions in three's… but it's a rather negligible symptom compared to the aforementioned intrusive thoughts).

    I am also ridiculously routine-oriented. That could be explained by OCD symptoms, but I'm not entirely convinced that OCD is the only source of mental issue I deal with.

    As some of you may know, I have a bachelor's degree in psychology. Now, my main areas of focus were neuroscience and cognition. Clinical psychology is almost entirely separate (for all intents and purposes). But I did have at least some interest in clinical psychology because, well, I've always known I had a fucked up brain/mind.

    I have tried a vast plethora of things to manage any and all mental health symptoms, from psychiatrist-prescribed drugs, to personal experimentation with drugs (both prescription and scheduled/illegal), to cognitive-behavioral therapies (either via one on one sessions, in group therapy sessions, or just applying principals and tactics on my own), all the way to direct electrical stimulation of the brain via electrodes (tDCS).

    I consider it a life-long journey, and with each passing day, I discover new things that either work, don't work, or even downright set me back.

    But I keep at it.

    You should get your dick SUCKED.
  16. #16
    Needledick Needledick Needledick motherfucker [mulishly down your brachydactylia]
    I check every banknote $5 and higher (the only ones with watermarks etc) to make it's real cause I have this paranoid fear of getting a counterfeit and spending it and having the secret service search my house and shit.
  17. #17
    Helladamnleet African Astronaut [impartially tyrannize that lentinus]
    You don't have fucking OCD, dumb ass.
  18. #18
    Erekshun Naturally Camouflaged
    OCD was created so pharma can sell another drug. Not just OCD though. You all fell for it. Cucks.
  19. #19
    Helladamnleet African Astronaut [impartially tyrannize that lentinus]
    Originally posted by Erekshun OCD was created so pharma can sell another drug. Not just OCD though. You all fell for it. Cucks.

    No, OCD is a real thing. Some examples are people who need to shut the door X amount of times, or say a phrase when turning off a light Y amount of times. That is real. There is no such thing as 'mild" OCD like Bill Krozby describes. Wanting your things in a certain place isn't OCD, it's wanting your god damned things where you want them in your god damned living space. Sitting how you're comfortable is literally not OCD, it's common ass sense.

    I guess what pisses me off is dumb broads who are all 'omg im soooo ocd XD XD' because they have a specific order for Starbucks, like, stfu you stupid ass cunt.
  20. #20
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by We'reAllBrownNosers I was diagnosed with OCD and it used to be obsession over germs and invisible contamination. Now it's weird idiosyncrasies like I can't cross the road in front of cars, I have to walk behind them. I have to punch metal objects randomly too. Mostly sign posts. Just weird things here and there.

    Doesn't sound too detrimental...
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