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Becoming a (Secular) Bedouin

  1. #1
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    I look white as fuck, so there's always going to be the issue of blending in despite my physical appearance. I'm also irreligious, and so that might be a point of contention among the locals as well. (I imagine all middle eastern desert dwelling folk are Muslim. Maybe I'm wrong?).

    I know that not all of them live in caves - some live in self-built rock huts. But when it comes to the cave-dwellers, how do you go about staking a claim on a particular cave? Is it basically "finder's keepers"? You see an empty one and just move in?

    I seek the tutelage of someone who grew up in the Bedouin life but left it behind one day, or someone who has a scholarly interest in Bedouin cultures, OR, someone who snuck their own satellite dish based Internet transceiver, along with a computer and a powerful generator, into a cave somewhere and is actually simultaneously a poster on NiS and a Bedouin.

    I don't expect a particularly high turn out around here that fall into any of the above categories, but, hey, why not give it a shot?
  2. #2
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    No goat havin' ass bitches up in here.
  3. #3
    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    I'm pretty sure they've mostly settled in modern dwellings by now.
  4. #4
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    why does this appeal to you?
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  5. #5
    WellHung Black Hole
  6. #6
    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by WellHung smh

    Motel nomad.
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  7. #7
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by aldra why does this appeal to you?

    I was drunk and watching the movie Babel when I originally made this thread, and so I wasn't being 100% serious.

    BUT... There was a nugget of truth to it.

    I've always had a fascination with nomadic cultures and ways of life, going back to my teenage years. My biggest dream in life was to live permanently out of an RV/motorhome. I read all kinds of stuff on survivalism techniques for subsisting on an extremely simple diet, and replacing modern conveniences such as:

    Electrical ovens (replaced by solar oven):

    As well as learning some basic farming and agricultural methods.

    Then I started learning about the whole Off-Grid lifestyle, where electricity doesn't have to be done without entirely (solar panels, hydroelectric generators, etc).

    A bit later in life, I read Thoreau's Walden, and I became all the more enthused about it all.

    Then there are the Mongolians and the yurt, the Amish and their incredible work ethic and civic mindedness (like when the whole village gathers to build a barn in a single day).

    The closest I've ever come to actualizing this dream was when I took the plunge and bought a minivan (definitely not as luxurious to live in as a full size motorhome), and took the two sets of seats out of the back and threw in a mattress.

    I actually managed for the better part of a year like that, but there were definitely some complications that had simply not occurred to me. For example, the heat in the Summer can be absolutely brutal - I became quite adept at chasing down shaded locations all day.

    Anyway, my point is just that I have a tremendous interest and admiration for just about all things nomadic/off-grid/self-sufficient/etc.
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  8. #8
    Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Originally posted by gadzooks The closest I've ever come to actualizing this dream was when I took the plunge and bought a minivan (definitely not as luxurious to live in as a full size motorhome), and took the two sets of seats out of the back and threw in a mattress.

    I actually managed for the better part of a year like that, but there were definitely some complications that had simply not occurred to me. For example, the heat in the Summer can be absolutely brutal - I became quite adept at chasing down shaded locations all day.

    I assume you could just shit in public places but washing up must have been a pain?

    Anyway, my point is just that I have a tremendous interest and admiration for just about all things nomadic/off-grid/self-sufficient/etc.

    Man if I could have a job where I could work remotely at I would be in the wind so to speak. Probably would get old after a bit I'm sure.
  9. #9
    Originally posted by gadzooks I look white as fuck, so there's always going to be the issue of blending in despite my physical appearance. I'm also irreligious, and so that might be a point of contention among the locals as well. (I imagine all middle eastern desert dwelling folk are Muslim. Maybe I'm wrong?).

    I know that not all of them live in caves - some live in self-built rock huts. But when it comes to the cave-dwellers, how do you go about staking a claim on a particular cave? Is it basically "finder's keepers"? You see an empty one and just move in?

    I seek the tutelage of someone who grew up in the Bedouin life but left it behind one day, or someone who has a scholarly interest in Bedouin cultures, OR, someone who snuck their own satellite dish based Internet transceiver, along with a computer and a powerful generator, into a cave somewhere and is actually simultaneously a poster on NiS and a Bedouin.

    I don't expect a particularly high turn out around here that fall into any of the above categories, but, hey, why not give it a shot?

    Being a beduin is like being a sand nigger pirate almost. Its gangster as fuck.

    In Israel if you drive out of the city where besides the highway is only desert, you will see shacks with cars and clothes drying n shit. Along with sheep, cattle, kids/ women doing work, etc. These are the beduin. These beduin kids go into the city at night to steal shit.

    I heard a story once form a hospital. Some beduin ran over his kid on accident (that, or he got kicked by a horse, I forget.) They needed to identify the kid, so the father called some woman. She said it was not her kid. Then he called another one who denied it, eventually after like 3 more women they found out who the mother was.

    The beduin steal everything. They see a pipe of some sort going through the desert? They will break it into pieces and steal it. If the pipe is carrying something useful, they will steal that too.

    p.s. to answer your question about caves n shit, i usually see them living in shacks. corrugated metal shacks. Just go somewhere where there is nobody, build a shack, and live in it. The only dwellers of caves that I saw in the middle east were spiders, liserds , and porcupines and snakes and shit
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  10. #10
    Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Do they have Israeli passports or something? How do they get in?
  11. #11
    Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    lol weren't Bedouins in sinai still enslaving motherfuckers? swear i read something about incidents there a while ago.
  12. #12
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Do they have Israeli passports or something? How do they get in?

    They don't get in. They were already there when Israel became an independent country. Unlike the Palestinians, beduins are nomadic tribesmen. Kind of like Gypsies. They occasionally pack up and move their shit somewhere else at a moments notice.

    Since they are tribal, they are not nationalistic. As long as nobody fucks with their shacks, they don't care about anything. This is why Israel never fucked with them too much; they were not fighting for any independence or statehood. They just live out in the desert where they don't usually interfere with anything, and they don't want anything from anyone.

    They do have Israeli citizenship.

    Originally posted by Nil lol weren't Bedouins in sinai still enslaving motherfuckers? swear i read something about incidents there a while ago.

    yes, no, maybe. There are alot of sudanese and eritreans that get taken into camps and beaten. They are held for ransom, sold to human traffickers, etc. Some of these niggers end up in Israel seeking refuge. They would come from Sinai. They (not sure if beduin or who) would torture them and extort their families for money, etc. This was as recent as 10 years ago. Today there is a wall along the border, so these people resort to trafficking people and contraband via underground tunnels, which spec ops occasionally go in to destroy in Gaza strip.
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