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Frican Niggers wanna eat you
2019-05-08 at 12:20 PM UTC
2019-05-08 at 12:22 PM UTCLooks like the bruised banana I just ate.
2019-05-08 at 12:51 PM UTCThey better stick me on that fire/oven for a few weeks than I might be edible enough. I'm best extra crispy. Use lots of cream/sauce on me too.
2019-05-08 at 12:54 PM UTCBlack folk only like the cheap fatty meat, the 73/27 stuff...I'm 92/8 and too expensive and lean for them to find me palatable.
2019-05-08 at 1:47 PM UTC
2019-05-08 at 1:53 PM UTCthat's racist you going to hell
2019-05-08 at 1:55 PM UTC
2019-05-08 at 2:16 PM UTC
2019-05-08 at 2:37 PM UTCThis is stereotyping and racism.
I hope this board and all its members get shut down by facebook -
2019-05-08 at 3 PM UTC
2019-05-08 at 3:11 PM UTCI dunno, don't think many Turks go to the CongoThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2019-05-08 at 4:31 PM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2019-05-08 at 4:39 PM UTC*insert liberal comment about respecting other cultures and welcoming these savages in 1st wourld countries here*
*insert tired commentary that your racist here*
*insert commentery about white privilege here* -
2019-05-08 at 4:41 PM UTC
2019-05-08 at 4:44 PM UTC
2019-05-08 at 4:46 PM UTClink?
2019-05-08 at 4:48 PM UTC
2019-05-08 at 4:49 PM UTC
Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Hows the gofund me account going?
Also trying to guilt my spermdonor into paying for a bus ticket to fuck off to ny. Its a fucking long shot. Buuuutt figured it wont hurt. He only paid 20 dollars a week in childsupport and still owes back payments even at age 25. How ever hes so desperate to have relationship with me i think i might be able to gey some money out of him. Maybe. -
2019-05-08 at 4:52 PM UTC
Originally posted by Ghost link?
It has my personal fb associated to it so i dont really want to link my name on here. I prefer to be anon. When i move to ny im closing this chapter in my life and pretend like it never happened maybe move on to white collar schemes but as soon as im gone my whoring days are done. -
2019-05-08 at 4:53 PM UTC
Originally posted by Thotgirl Also trying to guilt my spermdonor into paying for a bus ticket to fuck off to ny. Its a fucking long shot. Buuuutt figured it wont hurt. He only paid 20 dollars a week in childsupport and still owes back payments even at age 25. How ever hes so desperate to have relationship with me i think i might be able to gey some money out of him. Maybe.
If I was nearer to you and charitable I'd give you a ride to NY to help you out and not require a blow job or anything in return, just as a good deed to help a fellow human out of a bad situation.
But I'm not so quite pointless me writing that really...still it's the thought (or thot) that counts right?