2019-05-02 at 1:48 AM UTC
hello, nis newfag here
how long you been on the internet? experience anything of note?
first found internet in 07 trying to find out hip-hop release dates as a child (rip rn), really found out about internet after seeing suited tv man talking about "hackers on steroids" and their """secret""" website. lulz ensued therein
2019-05-02 at 1:51 AM UTC
Jackpot Mixed Berry, my favorite Jackpot. they smell like cereal
2019-05-02 at 2:07 AM UTC
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
when i was 23..i was hmm indisposed much of my late teen..early 20's so bit of a late start for me. usually horror movie forums..other stuff so followed