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2016-12-01 at 3:46 PM UTC
2016-12-01 at 3:46 PM UTC
2016-12-01 at 3:48 PM UTCGo into the wrong street there and you'll get fucked up, I'm sure.
2016-12-01 at 3:49 PM UTC
2016-12-01 at 3:50 PM UTC
2016-12-01 at 3:51 PM UTC
Originally posted by RisiR Go into the wrong street there and you'll get fucked up, I'm sure.
Maybe by a bear or a mountain lion. Not by the people. -
2016-12-01 at 3:52 PM UTCNot a whole lot of mountains there, eh?
2016-12-01 at 3:54 PM UTC
2016-12-01 at 3:56 PM UTC
Originally posted by Open Your Mind Not a whole lot of mountains there, eh?
Enough mountains for a motherfucker from the streets. I'm not a fucking climber. -
2016-12-01 at 3:56 PM UTCSO ghetto.
2016-12-01 at 4 PM UTC
2016-12-01 at 4:03 PM UTC
2016-12-01 at 4:07 PM UTC
2016-12-01 at 4:08 PM UTCThat's more like it. This is the type of ghetto I am used to: [link]https://www.google.ca/maps/@51.0425745,-113.9756986,3a,75y,60.5h,77.73t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sz8PQfjSvsvydQVU2brISLA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656[/link]
2016-12-01 at 4:14 PM UTC
2016-12-01 at 4:21 PM UTC
2016-12-01 at 4:23 PM UTC
2016-12-01 at 4:28 PM UTC
2016-12-01 at 4:31 PM UTC
2016-12-01 at 4:36 PM UTC