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  1. #21
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    what race and sexes are they -please dont make me remind you that gender and sex is not the same thing-
  2. #22
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Pure white panda males
  3. #23
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    what type of food poisoning
  4. #24
    Daddyissues Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by mmQ I thought maybe they discussed this type of thing in medical school. What would be the ethical thing to do in that situation and what they'd expect of you.

  5. #25
    shut the fuck up mmq.
  6. #26
    Ok that was my bad, I posted the wrong link.

    Originally posted by DietPiano 95% of our residents were immobile and had to be lifted towards the end so instead of waiting 5 minutes for them to get up partially on their own I just fucking picked em' up and sat em' down. Close to my last day someone they never let me let her sleep in, which is an ethical practice, made me get her up at 6:00 A.M. everyday and she had alzheimers and hated being woke up that early, would always fight and kick me and resist getting up with all her might.

    2nd to last day I think I was sick of it and just fucking picked her legs up and dropped them back down on the bed with some force to try to get her to stop fucking kicking me. I was in the brunt of my xanax withdrawal coming completely off almost. I was ever sleeping and actively hallucinating; hearing shit and seeing shit and basically having d/t's and almost seizing sometimes, writhing in pain and felt like I was gonna drop dead any minute. Was doing PCP as a painkiller on the job as well, and nodding out on T-PAIN to also deal with the pain. They said nothing, even when I was zombie nodding while walking patients for several months.

    They heard us struggling from out in the hall and when I was done dressing her and bringing her out in the hall she was still fussing and someone who probably heard me said "hahaha, what did you do to her?" in a facetious manner, and I laughed it off as if she were joking to shut her up basically.

    That place is fucking hell and the people that work there are the scourge of the earth and someday I'm going to write a google review about all the awful shit they do there and maybe call the state too, both anonymously, to try to get the place shut down. Somebody who use to work there left a nasty google review about them, but recently I saw it got changed to something like "good people, 5 stars", so I'm thinking they paid him off.

    That was the post explaining what had happened was. What are your thoughts Tech?
  7. #27
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by DietPiano shut the fuck up mmq.

    I'll shitpost off topic next time, apologies.
  8. #28
    you dont know why i said that and neither do i
  9. #29
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by Technologist Honey,
    It would go against every grain in my body to harm someone. I feel like I’d rather die first, but one never knows what they’ll do till they’re in the situation.

    Idk. Maybe a teen?? I seriously don’t know.

    Have them play some of their music real loud first.

    It will be much easier.

    Just like CPR, do it to the beat of "Staying Alive".
  10. #30
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by mmQ Ok so what if I put it this way- a babby, a kid, a teen, a young adult, a middle-aged adult, and a senior citizen are all dying from food poisoning and you can only save one of them for whatever reason, what does the book say to do?

    Kill the cat 6 times in exchange for those six lives.

    He'll still have 3 left.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. #31
    Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by mmQ Ok so what if I put it this way- a babby, a kid, a teen, a young adult, a middle-aged adult, and a senior citizen are all dying from food poisoning and you can only save one of them for whatever reason, what does the book say to do?

    The baby. He/she has a fuller life ahead of them. And if it’s pandas?.......I’m taking him/her home with me.

    Just my thoughts. No book!😛

    Sorry, had to go to bed, I work today.
  12. #32
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by mmQ a babby

    Is it fully formed?
  13. #33
    Pillpopper Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Nil if an unconscious patient is sodomized in the woods does it make a sound?

    Really make u think.

    Fuck this shit
  14. #34
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by Nil if an unconscious patient is sodomized in the woods does it make a sound?

    Really make u think.

    Now that's a Zen koan right there.
  15. #35
    gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    I also try to imagine the sound of one hand fapping.
  16. #36
    Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by DietPiano Ok that was my bad, I posted the wrong link.

    That was the post explaining what had happened was. What are your thoughts Tech?

    Oh DP,
    Alzheimer’s patients are the absolute worse. I can only relate my clear minded experiences.
    I had an Alzheimer’s patient on my xray table. She was a mess. A skinny little thing with a diaper on. She stuck her hand in her shitty diaper, then scratched me. Yuk. I had to control myself, no matter how much I wanted to punch the lady. I got someone to take over for me, went and washed my wounds, and followed up with employee services to check for any communicable diseases.
    That is not my worst. I had a 60 something old drunken man, with alcohol oozing from his sweat. He was already into some dementia due to alcohol abuse. He was on one of those guerneys. I had a male student with me, we went to the man’s room in the ER to do a portable xray. I was standing at the end of the cart, and this man bent of his knees and kicked me full force with both feet square in the chest. My student’s eyes about popped out of his head. We went on and finished the xray. When we left the room, my student said he thought I was gonna haul off and punch the guy. I told him no way, the man is not in his right mind, if he was, I would have gotten security.

    I know the culture of nursing homes. Many do not get paid well enough to take pride in what they do. Many will treat the elderly awful, and it’s acceptable among their peers. Thank God my Mom is in a very nice assisted living program.

    I don’t agree with you being drugged out on the job, but you were an addict at the time. I don’t think you would have done that with a clear mind.

    Here’s what has saved me from reacting to these patients. I remind myself that these patients do not want to act like they do. Who wants to be mentally incapacitated? They don’t act like that because they want to.

    I was working with a guy who could not get a patient to do what he wanted him to do to get an xray. This guy was pissed, so I had to take over for him. Well of course the patient wouldn’t listen, he had a fucking brain tumor. What the hell do you expect? Who wants to be like that? No one.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. #37
    Yeah, almost all of the patients are depressed and all but a couple told me they wanted to die or someone to killselves them at some point and the staff are like "Oh, dont say that you dont mean it.." Of course they mean it, they're being dead fucking serious.

    The nurses NEVER asked patients to rate their pain as part of vitals, they just charted 0/10 pain EVERY time even when they were crying and screaming in pain every day.

    I told the nurses to do something about one who was saying she was in so much pain every day for months, and she got morphine the next day. Same with another one who was screaming more than she wasn't every day for weeks, especially at night, never sleeping. They got mad at me for reporting to them people being in pain and made fun of me for doing so.

    I'm gonna rape them in a google review and report them to the state someday. They NEED to be shut down. They justify their abuse by saying all the other nursing homes do it, but that's not true as several nurses have refused to work there due to the things the saw going on there.
  18. #38
    Alzheimer’s/Dementia really is the worst. I don’t know how memory care unit nurses do it.

    I used to manage a chronic care program and the demands of those particular diseases are exhausting to treat. It’s easy for the providers and the family to snap. It’s not right but I’ve seen it over and over again.

    All I know is, if I ever get to the point where I can’t wipe my own ass or I’m slinging my shit at people I will end myself.
  19. #39
    I use to think about getting a couple grams of emergency heroin and benzos to kill myself via lethal injection if I ever have a stroke or get alzheimers. Unfortunately it runs in my dads side.
  20. #40
    It’s not just a stroke/Alzheimer’s. Anybody who has ever worked in that setting and seen aging/dying in a facility doesn’t want to live it. But yeah I’m right there with you, maybe minus the injection part.
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