Bibles are written by humans so you are following a mortal humans ideas and beliefs, but he claims to be inspired by God.
Trianglism only teaches how you can get up close and personal with God yourself and simply reveals truths of the universe, not trying to force you live your life a certain way.
Take mescaline on an empty stomach, I believe this is more important than visiting mecca. I also believe you must travel the world as thats what God wants (muslims interpret this as visiting Mecca). I am just interpreting things for myself though maybe you come to different conclusion.
Trianglism is the ultimate theology and all holy books are just chapters in the large volume of early earth history. Every major religion can find common values with trianglism. The one thing that sets this apart from belief systems is that we study like monks every day praying and giving offerings along with legitimate medical research to advance our knowledge in psychoactive substances (gifts from Zod)
Cannabis is indulgent, cocaine and heroin are ignorant, polygamy is a mere attempt to meet God and that monogamous is purely the unification of this Union with God.
Acceleration of cultural evolution of our species through large-scale production of LSD to us as a kind of interaction with the next step of development at a faster pace. These additional steps were so erotogenic, memory and cognitive enhancing drugs such as the CX-717) are the next step in human evolution to process information from the connectedness of human-scale information such as the internet, but we will all eventually be linked by our minds into one mind.