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  1. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    me too
  2. CandyRein Black Hole
    Crazy day...Just had a pep talk
    but decided give myself one ...lunch break over.. back to work 😋❤️

  3. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    wondering why my feet r so warm
  4. Are they by the fire?
  5. Erekshun Naturally Camouflaged
    You pissed yourself! lolol
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    no, they are on the couch,, no sox, dog or human near em
  7. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Narc Yeah never delete numbers bro. If you ain't got the will power to not call them then you ain't gonna have the will power to just go out and score anyway which as you know is easy AF. All you do is end up getting disappointed if you do score.


    I mean I have the willpower NOW, while I'm on methadone. More and more, I'm kinda unsure how my mind will be at the end of my taper. It's kind of like trying to manage a multiple personality, or childproof a house. Trying to outsmart myself in the long run. Hustle was a great opportunity and I learned a lot...whish I would've put more of that money to work.
  8. Originally posted by CASPER I mean I have the willpower NOW, while I'm on methadone. More and more, I'm kinda unsure how my mind will be at the end of my taper. It's kind of like trying to manage a multiple personality, or childproof a house. Trying to outsmart myself in the long run. Hustle was a great opportunity and I learned a lot…whish I would've put more of that money to work.

    I read a book recently where the author had done an experiment where they dipped peoples hands in icy water for two different predetermined amounts of time. The first group had their hand dipped in uncomfortably cold water for 30 seconds (or something like that), and the second group had the same thing happen, except at the end of the 30 seconds, they warmed up the water slightly so that it was still uncomfortable, but much less than before, and they let their hand sit in the now warmer water for another 20 seconds.

    Then they asked the participants of each group to rate how uncomfortable the experience was (by asking them how much money they would be willing to be given to repeat the experience. Even though the group who had their hand in the water longer technically experienced more unpleasant sensations, they rated the experience as less uncomfortable than the first group, because the end of the experience was one of relief, and that's how the mind tends to view experiences through memories.

    Anyways, I saw an immediate parallel between that and opiate addiction. The pain and bullshit and suffering you go through all the time on opiates is really not worth those moments of relief you get right after you dose. Your mind is just making you remember the highs because it was a more intense experience then the smaller amounts of accumulated suffering throughout the days/months/years, and there's really no logical way when it comes down to it to continue using opiates (unless you have chronic pain issues, or you don't care about the suffering)
  9. CandyRein Black Hole
    Going on my last break of the night ❤️
  10. Krow African Astronaut
    I told Matt about my current marital situation. I think I TMI'd him to the point of him hitting the hotel bar just after the turn-a-bout

    I'm sorry Matt :(
  11. CandyRein Black Hole
    I’m off today !! 🙃

    On my way to toke a spliff at the lake ❤️
  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    just fried an arduino

  13. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra just fried an arduino


    Is that a rasberry pi?
  14. Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    Just pissed myself.
  15. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Instigator Just pissed myself.

    Wet the rest of your pants and no one will know.
  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Krow Is that a rasberry pi?

    similar, less heavy duty
  17. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Instigator Just pissed myself.

    Because I asked if it was a Rasberr Pi? we used to sell them, I just forgot they were a competing brand of sort.

    Looking back, Arduino products made lots of shit.. I think kits to make robotic stuff and actuators or servo's (had to relook that up.. havn't worked at that store in 5 years)

    can you make a 3D breadboards to create a cube or something you can place your components to build a micro or motor controller housing rather than a flat board which you have to make a housing for it?

    or is the material on breadboards specific for current to run properly.. k I have limited shit knowledge.

    wanna learn one day
  18. Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    Originally posted by Krow Because I asked if it was a Rasberr Pi? we used to sell them, I just forgot they were a competing brand of sort.

    Looking back, Arduino products made lots of shit.. I think kits to make robotic stuff and actuators or servo's (had to relook that up.. havn't worked at that store in 5 years)

    can you make a 3D breadboards to create a cube or something you can place your components to build a micro or motor controller housing rather than a flat board which you have to make a housing for it?

    or is the material on breadboards specific for current to run properly.. k I have limited shit knowledge.

    wanna learn one day

  19. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Krow Because I asked if it was a Rasberr Pi? we used to sell them, I just forgot they were a competing brand of sort.

    Looking back, Arduino products made lots of shit.. I think kits to make robotic stuff and actuators or servo's (had to relook that up.. havn't worked at that store in 5 years)

    can you make a 3D breadboards to create a cube or something you can place your components to build a micro or motor controller housing rather than a flat board which you have to make a housing for it?

    or is the material on breadboards specific for current to run properly.. k I have limited shit knowledge.

    wanna learn one day

    A breadboard is just for prototyping, it's basically a simple circuit board you can reconfigure without having to worry about etching or soldering - you just snap components and wires into the holes. Once you've got everything up and running the way you want you'll typically move from breadboard to making PCBs, or protoboard or something else more permanent.
  20. Firekrochfatty African Astronaut
    I'm gonna jaunt myself into my kitchen and find me some grub, me thinks.
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