2019-03-29 at 8:48 PM UTC

in the shitpussy
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
post didn't die in a fire!
2019-03-29 at 8:52 PM UTC
Cum Looking Faggot
[abrade this vocal tread-softly]
she beats me in the arm department
Dear lord.. all I wanted was Hunter photos and info.
this place is truly disturbing and additively amusing as hell.
2019-03-29 at 9:23 PM UTC
That doesn’t even look like his arms or abdomen. Where’s his crab dick pick at when ya need it? I need to compare tattoos.
2019-03-29 at 9:25 PM UTC
compare tats confirmed
but prolly photochopped
2019-03-29 at 9:26 PM UTC
Yeah, I went to the mongolvoid and found it.
2019-03-29 at 9:29 PM UTC
weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
mal couldn't of been a teenager, she claims to be 27 now but claims i met her six years ago... so not a teenager... lol
2019-03-29 at 9:31 PM UTC
explains the shit quality on the phone and why you look like you're in better shape big bromo
2019-03-29 at 10:12 PM UTC
Lol, does she have "mentlegen" tattooed on her arm?
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
post didn't die in a fire!
2019-03-29 at 10:23 PM UTC
Damn! No play button on the OP pic.