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This Is My Farewell Tour

  1. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Ghost I feel like I have a pretty good taste in females

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Originally posted by Octavian Lol says the fat ugly sausage fingers chased off the site

    Kill yourself

    I’m leaving of my own volition. Lol Who chased me. If you were here when I joined you would have seen real animosity towards me. Didn’t leave then because of haters. Not leaving now because of haters.
  3. Originally posted by Bill Krozby pretty much this even red one of her beta orbiters said she is just a bitch / trouble maker, she comes off as extremely needy and attention seeking while just being straight up petty.

    she claims to hate me ect.. yet when i was the only person in tc yesterday, she just kept trying to talk to me but i just eventually had to put her on mute.

    plus why is she still here? lol

    she makes up shit all the time. she claims to of seen me downtown and i asked her wear and she named a club that I'd only been two once a couple weeks prior to her mentioning it.. i asked her oh okay who was the band? and she didn't even know, now she claims she never saw me there she just has been there before.. total non-sequitur..

    lol i do treat fralalala bad but its because we made a mutual agreement on tc to fight with each other on here and on here only.

    You’re such a liar. I’ve been trying to be nice to you because it upsets Luigi when we fight. You were asking me to come hang out with you last night and I said no. Go do some drugs junkie.
  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by -mal- You’re such a liar. I’ve been trying to be nice to you because it upsets Luigi when we fight. You were asking me to come hang out with you last night and I said no. Go do some drugs junkie.

    i dont fight with you I act civil and all you do is come in and start ranting about how you know where i live and what my room looks like ect..

    like one kinda ho has sex with a guy just so she can sleep in his bed lmao..

    everyones told me that things didn't go your way and you wanted to date me but that i just got what i wanted and forgot about you rofl. so now you do what other girls do that want me.. follow me around lmao

    heres your farewell song i made for you, now make like an atom and split (split means to leave you brit hag) you got dat trash pussy

    bye felicia
  5. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Again from the neck down is fine…

    from the knees up and neck down.
  6. Not a foot fetishist huh benny.
  7. Originally posted by Narc I'm no pedo but, too old, eww.


    ^ early signs and symptom of pedophillia.
  8. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Not a foot fetishist huh benny.

    no. i hate chicken feet.
  9. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny ^ early signs and symptom of pedophillia.


  10. Who is everyone? I never tried to date you. You’re changing the story in your favor.
  11. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Originally posted by -mal- I’m leaving of my own volition.

    *checks watch*
  12. Who African Astronaut [that staidly controlling tamarillo]
    Originally posted by -mal- Who is everyone? I never tried to date you. You’re changing the story in your favor.
    I do have that ‘It’ factor
  13. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by -mal- I’m leaving of my own volition. Lol Who chased me. If you were here when I joined you would have seen real animosity towards me. Didn’t leave then because of haters. Not leaving now because of haters.

    its "off" god you're dumb
  14. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by -mal- Who is everyone? I never tried to date you. You’re changing the story in your favor.

    its just what ive been told, who knows they could be liars just like you. wouldn't surprise me. those gonts are just as wishy washy as you. I'm the only one that doesn't waver.
  15. Originally posted by aldra how sure are you that's even her?

    That's not her lol
  16. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Fox That's not her lol

    yes it is. you nigger faggot. ive debunked her using other users on this site and have figured out who she is.
  17. What do u mean debunked
  18. Originally posted by Bill Krozby yes it is. you nigger faggot. ive debunked her using other users on this site and have figured out who she is.

    This game isn’t going to work. I’m not going to post a photo of myself to prove I’m not that whale. Something tells me Bill Krozby really doesn’t have the deductive reasoning skills to figure out who I am based on slight clues other people might have dropped.
  19. DontTellEm Black Hole
    Prolly cuz no one on this Earth cares who u are, ya dolt.
  20. Originally posted by DontTellEm Prolly cuz no one on this Earth cares who u are, ya dolt.

    You Bill Krozby and mash deserve each other.
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