2019-03-18 at 8:45 AM UTC
I had 9000 on last Tuesday lol
2019-03-18 at 8:48 AM UTC
victim of incest
[my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
I hit 12k the other night
So what was malice's reason for suicide, and how did he go about in succeeding?
2019-03-18 at 8:54 AM UTC
victim of incest
[my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
This is what I thought.
How did you talk him into it?
How did he take his life?
It was a concerted effort by me and sploo
2019-03-18 at 9:16 AM UTC
victim of incest
[my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
Sploo is going to get thrown a way one of these days...
Probably by his parents. I can never get ahold of the nigga... sometimes I smoke and think about his autism and his drug use.
2019-03-18 at 10:12 AM UTC
Malice took a bunch of pentobarbital and etiz + alcohol. That was like a year ago dude
2019-03-18 at 10:13 AM UTC
It was pretty much exactly how he said he was gonna do it, and how he practiced doing it
2019-03-18 at 10:13 AM UTC
Lol practicing suicide, classic malice
2019-03-18 at 3:41 PM UTC
Yeah but we pushed him over the edge
2019-03-18 at 6:16 PM UTC
yay i hit 10k
time to delete my account
2019-03-18 at 6:30 PM UTC
tee hee hee
Naturally Camouflaged
[slangily complete this slumberer]
You made it!!! Speech! Speech!
2019-03-18 at 6:41 PM UTC
I would like to thank all of my plurals for taking over when I don't feel like posting and posting some more, good work boys and girls keep it up we will hit 30k soon