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  1. #41

    Previously on NIS...

    Yep..they look the same...lolol
  2. #42
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Only dump people talk geological and then post an image of a geopolitical map.

    Lullington, Derbyshire, UK.

    quoted for stupidity

    it's too easy to shit on you jj. i mean i talk a lot of shit to most people irl or online but when i address you it's like i have diarrhea, i just can't stop shitting on your forehead
  3. #43
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson

    Previously on NIS…

    Yep..they look the same…lolol

    there is one post in which i posted two pictures and said those were not my plants. the other ones that i posted are. its really easy to understand if you just read through the thread really slow. maybe you can get it if u try again
  4. #44
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III there is one post in which i posted two pictures and said those were not my plants. the other ones that i posted are. its really easy to understand if you just read through the thread really slow. maybe you can get it if u try again

    I was obviously referring to the post that you said they were NOT yours (I even fucking quoted it)..if you had at least 1/4 of a brain in your head you'd have 'got' ggg didn't actually specify WHICH plants...I took advantage of that fact...


    You young kids are too easy.
  5. #45
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III quoted for stupidity

    it's too easy to shit on you jj. i mean i talk a lot of shit to most people irl or online but when i address you it's like i have diarrhea, i just can't stop shitting on your forehead

    Another one who thinks geological and geopolitical are the same thing...lolololllington, Idaho.
  6. #46
    i'm actually speechless
  7. #47
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III i'm actually brainless

    Fixed for you.
  8. #48
    GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Only dump people talk geological and then post an image of a geopolitical map.

    Lullington, Derbyshire, UK.

    You do understand that was a picture of fault lines, right? Just because it has all the countries on it (the shapes, as you know them) doesn't make it a 'geopolitical' map. They were literally labeled by plate, and color coded. I thought the color coding would help you understand, but apparently not.
  9. #49
    Originally posted by GGG You do understand that was a picture of fault lines, right? Just because it has all the countries on it (the shapes, as you know them) doesn't make it a 'geopolitical' map. They were literally labeled by plate, and color coded. I thought the color coding would help you understand, but apparently not.

    The pic you posted and then the statement you used "Eurasian plate" contradicted each India, Arabia and a large part of Siberia..which WERE on the image you posted are NOT part of the Eurasian plate.

    You then claimed to have been talking geologically the whole time which again contracts the pic you posted AND your attempted challenge of my geographical comment.

    It seems now you are desperately trying to save face! It's fine kid, I was just ribbing you anyway yet you appear to have let that totally escape you too! lolol
  10. #50
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    lol ITT dat jigaboo loses his shit
  11. #51
    You think that's loosing ones shit? lololol.

    Putting young whippersnappers in their place is a pleasure I assure you!..but you know that...
  12. #52
    EduCaTional CATastropHE African Astronaut
  13. #53
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    welcome back OP
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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