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Little girls are tight.

  1. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    hey guys,, everbody stop,,, take a deep breath,, exhale slowly,,,,,,,,,, ok, Carry on
  2. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by 34nfi4w8g3wnfge4j93qrj309jg I lost my virginity when I was 10 years old

    The only true 'sitter' that ever lived, she sat on me and boy let me tell ya I wanted to go to bed early that night, my parents were impressed.

    Errr... what did she do to you after she sat on you?
  3. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by ohfralala This is…essentially…the same argument…a lot of pedophiles, who don’t act on their urges, make for themselves :)

    Yes, but I’m not a pedophile now am I? I can answer that for you. No I’m not!!!! Big big big difference.
  4. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny actually no.

    as spectral have said, its perfectly acceptable to do it if the child is unconscious and unaware of what had happened.

    I was only referring to you, specifically.
  5. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by POLECAT hey guys,, everbody stop,,, take a deep breath,, exhale slowly,,,,,,,,,, ok, Carry on

    Why? I don’t feel like I’m arguing. This is a slightly heated debate, but I enjoy that. First good debate I’ve had in awhile on here.
  6. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    Because I said so Bitch!
  7. Technologist victim of incest
    Fuck off dick. I got your bitch right here!
  8. Originally posted by Technologist Yes, but I’m not a pedophile now am I? I can answer that for you. No I’m not!!!! Big big big difference.

    No you’re not but you can see what I’m trying to illustrate I hope.
  9. Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]
    Originally posted by POLECAT hey guys,, everbody stop,,, take a deep breath,, exhale slowly,,,,,,,,,, ok, Carry on


    i feel that your keyboard layout is fucked up somehow
  10. Technologist victim of incest
    Yes I do ma’am. As well as I can tell that you get my points.:-)
  11. Krow African Astronaut
    Bueno and once I saw beeno being spelled.

    I'm also dyslexic as fuck at times. even when I type (more recently) my spelling of words I simply know where first coming out with letters being switched to writing completly different words.

    I thought it was the gabapentin (or hoping) but I truly think something is wrong with me lately.

    I feel disconnected. If you ever seen Vannila Sky (Which is probably placed in there from patients experiences that the writer used to create a disconnected atmosphere?)

    I get that radio station changing stations, often faint. not sure if it's engish or gibber with fractions of seconds of constant audible changes from music to talking as you're changing an old analogue radio from station to station. some white static sound but just faint enough that you know you're hearing it but can't make it out. I used to wake up and it would fade off but lately it continues on. i can hear it in quiet environments now. every-once in a while a loud shout. like "Hey" Or "Ahh". I'v become used to it.

    I'm not ready to switch meds again or increase dose.

    I think the stress of not making enough money is not helping. Maybe I should invent the next pet rock.

    RIP Gary Dahl
  12. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    Originally posted by Grylls POLECAT

    i feel that your keyboard layout is fucked up somehow

    y 4 ?
  13. Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Originally posted by Sophie Does it bother you Mohamed married Aisha when she was 6 and consummated the marriage when she was 9? I read in the Quran Aisha was the daughter of his homie too. Figure he was like: Dude… Abu Bakr, my bro. Lemme marry your daughter. Abu bakr be like: Welll….. I dunno man… Mo: It is Allah's will.

    Why should something that isn't true bother me? Your daddy Wilders is calling you, I'm sure he'll like junkies such as yourself.
  14. Krow African Astronaut
    I think it's time to highjack this thread with..

  15. Originally posted by Nil It's not all suffering but there's something about pain that seems heavier to me, something more to consider than fleeting pleasures and novel joys. Creation as an act of will should be done with the whole of reality in sight. Not just the good. I don't see much growth in pain and misery. just burdens.

    Yeah. From all the fucked up shit I've gone through, my chronic pain is helping me in no way, and has taught me nothing I can think of. It just sucks.

    Perhaps some kinds of pain can be helpful or informative, but pain that isn't supposed to be there has no positive effects.
  16. Originally posted by Krow I think it's time to highjack this thread with..

    Spam is expensive and nasty.

    I bought OFF BRAND spam one time just to try it, and I threw away after the first pastey nibble. I wanted to vomit.

    Like, WHO would buy that? It's not like it's even all that cheap, more expensive than cqnned chicken and beef which is 100 times better.
  17. 34nfi4w8g3wnfge4j93qrj309jg Houston [my metonymically tentacled thales]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Errr… what did she do to you after she sat on you?

    I would say it but I don't wanna go to prison
  18. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Sophie Also, Krow, i don't mean to be insensitive. Even though my comment above may seem that way, i sympathize with people who have suffered through child abuse, of any kind. It wasn't as bad as your but my childhood certainly wasn't all roses either. People think that pedo = abuser. But that's simply not true.

    Also, Gad said at some point i might argue some of the points i do out of self preservation. Which is incorrect, in fact it would be more productive to just keep my mouth shut about my inner most thoughts and feelings if self-preservation was of concern when i talk about these things. It really boils down to whether you think children of a certain age are mentally capable of giving informed consent. That's quite a can of worms to open but let me tell you that there are many, many examples of children being sexually active in some form or another with or without another person where there is no coercion involved.

    You might argue an adult can manipulate a child into thinking whatever was going on is acceptable. And that argument would make sense, but what is the actual issue here. Surely it must be the potential damage done to the child? If the child never experiences anything as damaging or traumatizing then your argument falls through. You might say: "But what makes you the grand arbiter of what is damaging to a child or not?" And i would counter with what makes you that? You might think you have the moral high ground because you percieve me to have ulterior motives but that is discounting the fact i might actually have empathy as well, and wouldn't in any circumstance, purposefully hurt or traumatize a child. Or an adult for that matter.

    Spare me the moral judgement, you don't know me.

    I think despite what anyone tries to claim either way that nature has had it sorted for us long before any human even contemplated age. Puberty is when our bodies become naturally ready to have sex and at the same time we get psychologically interested in having sex. Who the fuck is anyone of us to argue any different. Its extremely arrogant to claim either side of what our nature already sets for us.

  19. Originally posted by Narc I think despite what anyone tries to claim either way that nature has had it sorted for us long before any human even contemplated age. Puberty is when our bodies become naturally ready to have sex and at the same time we get psychologically interested in having sex. Who the fuck is anyone of us to argue any different. Its extremely arrogant to claim either side of what our nature already sets for us.


    thanks for agreeing that age of consent is totally fucked up.

    girls are fully capable of child bearing naturally at around age 12, sometimes as young as age 9 due to the growth hormones they injected into chickens,

    age of consent is arbitrary and illogical.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. Soyboy V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed African Astronaut [my no haunted nonbeing]
    Originally posted by DietPiano Spam is expensive and nasty.

    I bought OFF BRAND spam one time just to try it, and I threw away after the first pastey nibble. I wanted to vomit.

    Like, WHO would buy that? It's not like it's even all that cheap, more expensive than cqnned chicken and beef which is 100 times better.

    Pork is supposed to be the cheap meat, along with Chicken.

    Beef is the expensive one.
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