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I've been jackin off way less.

  1. #1
    I don't know...I just fall asleep before I jack my dick, about the last couple months. I think I ain't jacked off in about a week today, maybe even longer I don't even know. I need to up it to ever night/other cause I wanna get jizz stains all over my boxers so I can sell them. Advice??
  2. #2
    You're depressed. Possible anxiety. I'm gonna prescribe you some xannax. Come back in half a year, no sooner.
  3. #3
    I beat off like once a week now too, fam. Make sure nobody is lacing your food with antiandrogens or chemicals that will turn you gay. Or if that seems like too much work, keep doing what you're doing and try gay porn.
  4. #4
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I like when my depression causes me to forget/not care about jacking off for a few days. I think we can all agree there's nothing more satisfying than busting a pent up nut.
  5. #5
    I'm not "depressed". I'm just plain sad.
  6. #6
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    is "antiandrogens" actually a word?
  7. #7
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    my goodness, it actually is
  8. #8
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I just have sex, not that theres anything wrong with beating off
  9. #9
    I haven't regularly had sex or jacked off in fucking ages

    Phenibut does seem to be an aphrodisiac to me though
  10. #10
    Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Recently my system has gone in to overdrive and I've been wanting to beat off 4-5 times a day, trying to ease off now.
  11. #11
    If you wanna jack off less do benzos, if more do meth.
  12. #12
    Satyr Yung Blood
    When I was a teen, I used to jack off all day err day. Like, quadruple cummings during 10 second porn clips on repeat weren't uncummon. Those were the days.
  13. #13
    Originally posted by Satyr When I was a teen, I used to jack off all day err day. Like, quadruple cummings during 10 second porn clips on repeat weren't uncummon. Those were the days.

    You're supposed to have 13 children during this time. You are WELL past your prime now, and the girls are getting there too.
  14. #14
    antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    u are lucky. everything's fine. it's called nirvana man
  15. #15
    bling bling Dark Matter
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