I am gonna post my favorite tracks from random games. I have an encyclopedic memory of video game music so this might get pretty long. Gonna try to go from NES - modern era
But first, because I just finished playing Cave Story here is my favorite song from the game. I don't like the remix 3DS version.
This is the music that plays in the casino level NiGHTS into dreams pinball minigame. I only play that game so I can play the shitty pinball and listen to this, never gets old.
Love this track. The first part incorporates the intro from The Ventures' classic hits Diamond Head and Pipeline (1965), and 1:08 sees an incorporation of the Ventures' Wipe Out (1966) which lends it the surf-tastic vibe. The Ventures saw a lot of success in Japan, and this appears to be a nod in their direction from Uematsu.
oh shit posting commander keen reminded me of cold dreams. this has the best track in this whole thread. who can find me the non demo version of the game?